
My cousin said she thought she saw Trump tearing up at his inauguration. We see what we want, I spose

Is that like two wrongs make a right?

He reminds me of he guys I knew in high school that went on to be cops. 1. Misogynist 2. Racist 3. Insecure as fuck

Hummmm. DIAF?

One hundred percent

What a piece of shit. I’m glad none of the kids (unnecessarily) involved died. White male terrorism at its finest. If you’re not killing women you’re trying to kill brown and black men. So, but boys will be boys huh? Except if they’re not white.

A. I think Trump just wants all eyes on him which we are giving him. And he knows what creates the drama to do so.

This bitch is doing this on purpose — he’s got the whole damn world watching him 24/7. He knows how to create drama. Not that we should ignore it either. Like god damn it!!!

Leslie playing Trump had to hurt. Maybe she shoulda been the one playing Bannon. Rosie or Leslie doing Bannon woulda been the jugular cut

A is very stupid and B is a tall order but yes

It’s funny how those who employ illegal/undocumented people are the ones for the wall/deportation.

Not normal!!

Republican response is always a projection.

I’m fearful, anxious and outraged! I think it’s time we throw on some hardcore punk and wall of death these motherfuckers

Yes, like why bring up a possibility of reversing then get “all is ok now” the next day. I don’t underestimate people who have been working their whole lives for this moment.

Yes! Agree. Prob more to it as well but this

Not a word. This is a smokescreen

I question some of these for sure


As appealing as it is, I think turning our backs on the rest of the blue is one reason to stay. Or in twenty years we’ll just have a shit show involving progressives vs liberals and nothing will ever get done. Also, do we put up a wall?!