“I want Aldi prices but not Aldi service.”
“I want Aldi prices but not Aldi service.”
An Aldi cashier is doing their job by not bagging your groceries. They are there to scan your items and accept your payment then move on to the next person.
I thought this hack was going to be about handing your buggy over to someone else as you load your car so they don’t have to use a quarter to unlock a buggy - you should especially do this if someone else handed you their cart and so on. Who know who paid the original quarter but it’s a nice gesture.
It doesn’t. And it holds up everyone behind you too. It’s a major dick move.
It’s up to the business.
Thanks, St. Reagan.
I think there’s a greater conversation to be had about sharing things like this. Why did the homeowner decide she needed to post this online?
It’s a big internet. There’s room for it among the boobs, the ‘hang in there’ kittens and the images of naked breasts.
I don’t know, man, if I get some video of some hilarious shit, I’m probably putting that online too.
Because “Pix or it didn’t happen”, I guess.
He would read a stunted apology off a teleprompter, followed up by a dozen pundits intoning that today was the day Trump became president.
Don’t know what Tigger flags represent, but Pooh flags let travelers know that your house is a safe space they can come and walk around with no pants on.
I’m pretty sure she chose to complain about “Tigger” so she could say 83.3% of the n-word to a black person and get away with it.
It’s a Tigga flag with an A, not the hard ER.
Tigger, please.
More than we got from the last president.
Ambrosia missed a golden chance to just reply, “Ma’am, I’m sorry you were Tiggered.”
I’m pretty sure she chose to complain about “Tigger” so she could say 83.3% of the n-word to a black person and get away with it.
Somebody told her, because she did what we are calling a ‘Drive-By Apology,’” which apparently literally amounted to a mortified Alpha Karen shouting “I’m sorry!” as she sped by the home.