godspeed aquaboy

London was a horrible movie, but it did have a good set piece or two.  They weren’t nearly good enough to make up for the rest though.  It was kind of like seeing a 5$ bill in a toilet bowl full of shit. 

I live in St. Louis and this is the first I’ve heard of them.  Everyone’s jizzing themselves about the new MLS team though.

Ichiro plays in your league.  He made a career out of that philosophy.

Read up on her.  There are reasons he hasn’t gone ape shit on her so far.  She is not a fan of muslims and immigration.  In the U.S. she would likely align, these days, with moderate Republicans.  I’ll give her points for dissing *45, but only so many.

I played in an adult hardball league and faced a former major leaguer and my first big league curve ball and was humbled. My next two at-bats I bunted for hits and on the fourth ab, he drilled me with the first pitch.

chicken butt!

Now playing

Was thinking more of this, but in water, which would be worse.

Robert Baratheon disagrees.

They’re called Orejas (ears) at my Mexican grocer.

I would normally laugh off to think someone would be petty enough to hold a grudge against an animal or entire species, but Trump.

It was totally keistered.

My brother and I have likewise been on a pie-only diet, trying to dethrone those damn McCrary brothers.

I like his quote about Jaws: The Revenge after hearing the criticism -

Kurt Warner is in big trouble.

Except is wasn’t bust when he inherited it.  He just threw a sugar high on top of it, while taking out the guard rails meant to deter another recession.

In the case of Duke’s, the recipe is to take regular mayo and then put in too much vinegar.

That’s the salty taste.

Yeah, I voted for her and felt badly that Hawley won, but every time she has opened her fucking trap since losing, I regret the loss less.  Hawley is still a fucking asshole who never once did his job as AG here though.

While it sucks for amenities, St. Louis Lambert is awesome for being able to be dropped off or picked up within minutes of your flight.  Especially on arrivals, I’m in the car less than 15 minutes after landing.  Departures are longer, but that’s just TSA.  It doesn’t hurt that it isn’t a hub for shit anymore.

Kind of similar to having a character named John, who is referred to as Johnny, Johnny Boy, Jack, JohnJohn, and Big J,  with familial connotations thrown in on top of all that. I think Karamazov was one where I read the book and then read a summary and realized half of them were the same damn person and everything