Now playing

Of course there is! If I’m doing a big batch (say like, 4lbs of peas or more) I’ll go this route. It was one of the first things I learned to make as a kid, and I’d spend Sundays with my grandparents watching cartoons and shelling peas. I never gave it much thought, and I can do it so quick by hand now that it isn’t

Violence is acceptable when it doesn’t favor you. In any other case it is an outrage and attack on freedom of speech.

Let us not descend into base celebrations of violence for that is what the odious fuckwangles want.

I’d really like to see someone make a reversed version of this. Just a video of a random Cruze dragging a bunch of people to their snowy demise.

Switching from hourly to full-time can be tough.

No one—certainly no Republican—contemplated such a scenario when Reagan was elected,

Shitting right in your pants is easier than holding it and finding a bathroom. That doesn’t make it an advisable or excusable course of action.

Yes, living in 24/7 panic and mental paralysis is totally the right call. That’s absolutely gonna lead you down the correct and productive path. Good call.

That kid has horrendously bad parents.

Starring the Dress as the Dress:

Fucking millennials. Am I right, everyone on here that isn’t a millennial?

I’m gonna need to see some peer reviewed studies backing any of this up, otherwise you’re just the smelly guy on the subway/in the office who spouts a lot of new age bullshit about why drinking raw milk is better.

Your written English is pretty good for a Frenchman.

Yeah, toothpaste is also bad because it fucks with your natural tongue/tooth film that is there to protect your mouth.

But you shower and I assume rub chemicals all over yourself to clean so your Foodbabe level of “chemicals are bad! science is scary!” is not good enough.

Also, I’m a Knicks fan, so don’t even think you can hurt me.

The Warriors brought me back to being a NBA fan. After the terrible ISO decade of the 2000s, I pretty much abandoned the league. The first game I watched in a long time was the Warrior’s 73rd win (simultaneously with Kobe’s last game. I don’t think I could have watched two more contrasting games than those two, but

My God, I was at the game yesterday against the Hawks and the defense is absolutely atrocious. Except for a 5 minute span in the 4th quarter when they look a 5 point lead, they just mostly stand around and don’t make the correct rotations after a double team. Melo and Rose were balling pretty hard but they always find

As a Knicks fan, there’s too much “If this had happened, or if that had...” when I watch the Warriors.

I’ve never hated on the Warriors, but I will admit, I was seriously pissed off at them for their epic collapse in the Finals last year, what-with Curry trying to be flashy with behind the back passes that end up put of bounds when he should have just passed the ball normally and get points on the board. But they are,