
I wouldn’t fuck with Oak at his funeral.

Oakley’s Wikipedia page at the moment:

Oakley going after Dolan on national TV is fucking elixir.

Now playing

He’s also the kid who after calling his half court shot, got that same shot blocked a week later:

Not to mention the tax benefits the get from establishing their own foundations.

Dude! You’re getting 10 bucks!

Ahh, that takes me back; America was in a much more complacent, happier time laughing at everyone one of these nut jobs. Now we’re stuck with the man-child.....whoops, sorry, brought us all back to reality. Here’s a bunch of photos trending on Twitter to ease the pain:

Completely disagree. How is 0-100 or 125 more relevant than 0-60? How much more often do people hit 60 in a average commute as apposed to 100 or 125? You don’t like it as a measurement, which is fine but it is a good judge of a car’s ability to put down power. Now, the 1/4 mile is the BEST example of judging a cars


AFUCKINMEN. That was not a great shot. That was a brick that happened to find the bottom of the net.

Didn’t call bank = ain’t worth shit.

“What do people fucking want? I’m sick of this attitude of “you did something, now do more” because from what I’ve gathered, people espousing that mentality don’t utilize it in reflection of themselves.”

I had a coach like that, which I guess is ok, it’s in his job description to try to be inspiring. But we’d have watch inspirational movies the night before a game and listen to crappy, half-baked attempts at Grantland Rice sports-as-a-metaphor-for-life speeches. I fucking hated it. I always felt like an odd man out

Probably not. I played DIII football back in the day and every team has several of these guys who are just over-the-top homers and who think that winning is the most important thing in the world. This is even worse. He’s not even on the team and never has been. It’s as dumb as McCaunnahy (sp?) giving a pep talk to

This has to be one of the absolute dumbest things I have ever seen. There’s a better than great chance it is just Ray Lewis and a camera man in that garage. Why Ray Lewis thinks anyone in New England gives any bit of a shit about him is beyond me. There are more respected NFL players in the Patriots locker room

So. Many. Douche. Chills.

That’s pretty much what completely unchecked ego looks like. Assuming that a team in its fifth recent Super Bowl needs his input and inspirational words. For fuck’s sake, shut up.

Beckham. Landry. Sherman. Norman. Bennett. Bennett. Talib. Come on, you’re not even trying.

99 percent of the time that is a great suggestion - the issue here is, he’s like stone. He’s so set in his ways that he might change for a day or two then it’s like he forgot everything he discussed. However, chatting outside of work about his expectations may actually defuse any tension during work hours. Thanks! 🙂🙂

You think that as a woman I’m obligated to refrain from criticizing other women? Kristen Stewart is an artist, she acts in movies for the public to watch. I’ve watched several - the most recent was Clouds of Sils Maria. I think she ruined that movie, and I think she’s a bad actress.