
Gonna have to go with The Mist's Ending.

Greatest trick shot in history still belongs to Lee Harvey Oswald.

I mean what do you want, the guy loves bombing.

And that the popularity of creampies spills across all demographics, so to speak

That's exactly what I was thinking...and I only watch it for like 3 minutes anyway!

Cream Plosions #1 had it's moments but 2 is clearly a quick cash grab. Nothing but setup for the third. Not everything has to be trilogy Valley!

iAgree with you.

I don't want to be involved in 2014.

If the final product is only 60 minutes long, is it still technically a movie? Maybe it should show before a movie, but after the news reel and the cartoon.

Pretty sure this is exactly what I see with my own 2 eyes when I go to the shooting range.

He also turns into a pistol and shoots people.

You mean "pithed" him off.

Solution to an invented problem. What in the name of Alton Brown were they thinking?


"First off, the ears are different. They're smaller. More rounded. Up towards the front a bit. There's also no cape. I know, Batman with no cape. But trust me, it works. And the eyes...I don't know how they're explaining it - maybe he's got some sort of monitor in there, but they eyes are all enclosed. The

Fiona doesn't care what you think.

That's actually coincidental not irony.

Next week: how a boy got lost for 2 years after attempting to use apple maps to get directions home.

I think some of those scenes were enhanced digitally!

Robert Down Jr.... Robert Downey Jr's cousin with Down Syndrome.

But can I buy the hour of my life back that I lost watching that Dexter finale?