
If you lose them they will sell you more eggs, no problem.

So if you buy them in +1.5 your dick looks bigger? Sweet! Fuck you astigmatism!

Yay! They make my size...

And before all of the Apple fanboys (and fangirls, I guess) jump all over your Galaxy S5 comment, I do the EXACT same thing with my iPhone 5. From time-to-time, I'll get locked in 3G (or worse, 1x RTT) mode, and a quick Airplane Mode switch fixes it.

Depends on how you feel about Gwynneth Paltrow.

I'm not sure about gay, but definateley very feminine. Maybe it's just be the boobs and vagina though

looks like jokers face in the smoke there

You're just a hater. When the Browns are in 1th place let's see you run your mouth then!

I've built my entire life around the story of Noah. It's why I sleep with arm floaties, and I live on a house boat, and only have fish for pets.

Legitimate question for anyone: is the story of Noah a cornerstone of faith for you?

This one will turn to the dark side - of meat...

This will also turn pretty much anything into stool.

What would be great is if they would offer an option to geolocate and turn the mom and pop shop into an amazon store.

"Today, I walked down the street to my favorite local independent bookstore, spied a title I'd been meaning to buy in the window, whipped out my phone, scanned the cover, and within seconds, I'd placed an order. It'll be on my desk by Friday. I saved $7. Soon you'll be doing it too."

You are what is wrong with this country right now.


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A Serbian Film. The scene where our anti-hero protagonist kills the one eyed man...with his one-eyed man.