
I just talked to my mom and she didn’t understand why I was sad and upset.

Yep. These fuckers need to learn that actions have consequences.

I am not brave enough to speak to my parents, even though I live with them. Other than one ‘shut the fuck up’ when my mother came to my bedroom to say ‘Go Trump’ I have walked around the house in huge, noise-cancelling, wireless headphones for my own sanity.

This. My FIL, who is normally a wonderful man (or so I thought) voted Trump and commented about it on one of my Facebook posts. I’ve never made a peep about his conservative leanings even though both my husband and I are very liberal, and I let him have it this time, telling him that he can be the one to explain to

Yeah, my dad has said things that my nephew & niece repeated to me as we went to the polls. He obviously told them intentionally to try to influence them to hate too. So we’re in the middle of a domestic WW3 right now making it clear that I won’t let that happen again and impressing this upon children will not be

My dad and I became estranged today when I posted about the real responses my students had this morning, and he had to comment that Trump “said in his speech today!!” that he was going to unite everyone, and everyone’s overreacting, and I basically said “fuck you tell that to these students” and he said he won’t speak

My inlaws have voted Republican in the past. Unsure who they voted for. I will spare them no wrath if this comes up at Thanksgiving

Thank you. He’s managing and so am I - we have incredibly supportive jobs, friends, and a network of good people around us otherwise. We are in the process of creating the family we actually want to have as opposed to the cosanguine one that tried to lay claim to us/him. <3

Damn. I hope it improves your life, and that your holidays are better for it. Sending love <3

That really sucks, I hope things go well for you both, and that he is doing well with it emotionally.

I have to get through a charity event this Saturday first, it is for my FIL’s memorial scholarship so I can’t rock the boat (I also planned it). Then I will have to confront her.

I already cut out holidays. Good luck to you <3

Burn the witch at the stake.

I will have to interact with at least 4 Trump supporters at Thanksgiving later this month. I swear to God if they try and talk politics I will give them the look of death.

That’s what I will have to do, i’m conflicted and have never been good at confronting. My husband doesn’t give a single fuck about seeing her, i’ve always been the one to get us to go to family functions.

What the fuck ever. Numbers are numbers.

I’ve said this before here but Trump was the backlash to the incredible leap forward that was Obama. 2 steps forward, 1 step back, as usual.

I want one of these motherfuckers to come on here and defend themselves now. Right fucking now. Own up to it!

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.

Same in Florida. Fuck everyone of them and their ‘protest vote’.