
Prediction - Yes, this story demonstrates how Veritas tells crazy lies to further their narrative. It also shows that WaPo (like NYT, etc) uphold standards of ethics and evidence. But it won’t budge the millions of people who trust crazy liars over fact-based journalism.

“Also, a Post reporter found a GoFundMe page for someone named Jaime Phillips who needed money so she could move to New York and “work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt [sic] of the liberal MSM.”

They’re morphing into a single unit as truth and facts slip further and further into meaningless oblivion.

Project Veritas foiled by caller ID. I don’t know if this speaks worse for them or the folks they have managed to scam.

I hate the term “ask” as a noun. “My ask of you is...”

I hate being like “well what about men we suffer too” because 99% of the time when us dudes say something like that, it is because we are trying to steer the conversation away from legitimate women’s issues that we know nothing about.

You said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud.

In front of the child? And it’s happened often enough that his instinct is to record it? Yeesh. I hope she gets some help and that he and the kid get out of there.

She accused him and his lawyer said something like “you can’t rape your spouse.” Which I think was legally true at the time, but morally repugnant. 

Normally I would be really skeptical about these sorts of claims, but if you look into Scientology’s past, this wouldn’t even be in the Top 10 of hard-to-believe stories that turned out to be true.

I think Ivana backed off the charges once the spirit moved her.....to a bigger house

I guess you could say they’re Scientology’s LAPDogs.

My mom works (volunteers) as a child advocate for kids in the foster system. I have several friends who foster kids and/or have adopted from foster care. The answer to questions about fostering kids of a specific race is that foster families of all races take in kids of all races based on the foster family’s resources

Angela, I really just want to thank you for (with the exception of the Conyers article, which is not your fault obviously) really brightening my day with your heartwarming pieces today. It really helped fight the Sunday sads.

I mean, he might as well. Denying reality has been working pretty well for him so far. I’m sure he can convince his 35% of Americans that he never said it and it never happened and the video evidence is faked by the same people who did the moon landing.

So he’s saying.... it’s like that, and that’s the way it is?

Can’t have done it since I’m a yogi? Nooope. A laughable defense. See Shiva and Bikram yoga sexual harassment and assault scandals, just for starters.

Guess it’s time for you to drop ‘em.

Russell’s letter might be an itty-bit less ridiculous if it weren’t for his email to Terry Crews.