Don’t kid yourself; if they could figure out a way to cordon off San Francisco and L.A., these fuck-knuckles absolutely would.
Don’t kid yourself; if they could figure out a way to cordon off San Francisco and L.A., these fuck-knuckles absolutely would.
It was ridiculous that people thought it was OK to name her without her consent. You can’t just go around telling people’s stories for them. And in this case it was an assumption not based on fact.
I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like:
If Coco is a big moneymaker, he’ll be back. If it’s a flop, he’s out.
Is anyone else getting tired of hearing how “painful” this is for the accused men?
I have no problem with loving the book; I love this book! But to find it an unironic romance is frankly something that should put a person on a watch list.
I’ll say to this what I say to all hip religion:
This is why I had to give up even trying to follow what began passing as hip hop years ago. I predict the same thing that happened with jazz and then rock will happen with hip hop: White people will continue taking it over, and when I am old and wrinkled and half-deaf, young Black people will consider it “white people…
I was too lazy to pull this out of the linked article in my comment, but I mostly posted it for this quote, so I’ll rectify that now:
Don’t forget Martha Bashford.
But both the Weinstein case and the Kushners’ case are examples where the system worked - all the way up to Vance’s staff - and he refused to pursue these already researched and prepared, relatively open and shut cases. Something doesn’t pass the smell test.
The weak link here seems to be Cy Vance. His tenure as NY DA has been riddled with stories of burying cases against the rich and powerful. See also the fraud case against Jared and Ivanka )selling condos in a building that was 16% sold by representing it as 90% sold). Why did Vance drop the charges against the…
I hate these “women in solidarity with...” statements. Yeah, there are always going to be women who weren’t harassed. But just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
So Oliver Stone got mad at Melissa Gilbert for embarrassing him in a social situation and wrote a “special” scene for her to audition for him in The Doors. It involved having her on her hands and knees in front of him saying “do me.” She describes it as “humiliating and horrid.” What a fucking turd. I wish Half Pint…
And I’m sure Roy Moore didn’t assault EVERY 14-year-old girl he met. Not helpful.
55 year old men who do that are not neophytes. That pose spoke to his worldview, and you bet your ass it was a power trip. That photo was meant to humiliate her. Did you not read the original article and her account?
Love the misspelling of actual.
The I Heart My Pit Bull sticker is perfect too.
“I made a really, really dumb joke that I’m perfectly fine to repeat now ‘cause I was f—in’ 25. I said, ‘No one would be calling me a racist if they knew how badly I wanted to f— Drake,’” she recalls. Her boyfriend, Jack Antonoff, warned her away from making comments like those: “He said, ‘Don’t say that in…