
“Police have limited resources”
Sure, that’s the reason cops don’t handle rape cases well. What kind of Candyland planet you living on and how did you get there?

What evidence would you like to see? Genuinely curious.

This is true and needs to be said but again, the people negatively impacted by this are, by and large, actual child abusers/molesters/rapists.

I actually might because I’d understand that what happened to me is unfair but that it is important to prevent child rapists from traveling to places where sex trafficking is an industrial norm. Especially if I had three kids of my own and the perspective of thirty years under my belt.

The fact that a system can be

Alcoholism appears to be their national pastime. Anyone who thinks the British are refined really isn’t paying attention. Puke-strewn streets. Jeremy Kyle. Geordie Shore. The Daily Mail. It ain’t pretty.

People like Donna Brazile are the reason why I will never be smug about having to vote Democrat in this country. How does someone so brazen and so foolish get so high up on the leadership food chain? Organizational failure.

She’s pretty if you think “not fat or possessing of self respect” is attractive, which...most hetero men very much do.

I voted for the only sane candidate on the ballot. HRC. And in fairness to myself, there are plenty—PLENTY—of Bernie supporters who TO THIS DAY will still say that Hillary’s presidency would have been essentially identical to Trump’s. It was unfair of me to assume you were one of those people, but the question isn’t en

Could be argued that the ends justify the means. White people didn’t desegregate because they wanted to.
That said, I get your cynicism. I don’t think we’ll ever live in a world where power isn’t abused. The problem is deeply systemic in Hollywood and our general culture. We have to stop putting people on pedestals.

I didn’t like Hillary Clinton any more than I liked Bernie Sanders. In fact, I liked her less. Why is it that people can’t understand that there are more than two options in any given situation? I want the third option you suggest: someone better than those two musty clowns.

“While were at it, let’s also cut off our own noses to spite our faces...”

Who’d you vote for in the general?

All of God’s creatures are terrible.

That’s sort of why I find his supporters so disturbing. The spittle-flecked fervor he brings out in people is too emotional, too hysterical to be based on an accurate portrait of a real human being. I didn’t vote for him in my state’s primary (didn’t vote in the primary at all as a result—we’re one of the last states

Yeah I find the response to all of this very unsatisfying. It’s all outrage and punishment with no real “come to Jesus” substance. That said, I think this is a first step down some kind of road. Whether that road goes somewhere better or just leads to abusers being EXTRA CAREFUL remains to be seen.

I’m so glad it isn’t just me. Her fame makes me intensely uncomfortable.

I do believe him. I’m just baffled by how irrelevant your comments are here. What does Corey Feldman have to do with Michael Jackson’s child molestation settlement?

The only thing that’s really going to make them care is if people stop using their platform or perform some sort of “I will never, ever click ads on Twitter” boycott. Expensive legal threats could theoretically be effective but they’ll wea$el their way out of trouble.

That is their excuse but is not the real reason. Be real. You’re right that they wouldn’t if they wanted to, but they don’t want to because he makes their platform more relevant than it’s been since the Arab Spring, basically.

“Tech bros always care more about money than anything else.”

This is why capitalism is actually bad!

It is complete bullshit that we’re at a place now as a society where people with certain jobs absolutely MUST use social media until they reach a certain status. I’m in marketing, and I get called out all the time for not maintaining an active presence on Twitter or Facebook. I have profiles on both but never update,