
OK? Does Corey Feldman know absolutely everything about every person who’s ever bad touched a kid? That proves only that Corey Feldman has an opinion.

I’m feeling Scooter Libby!

I’ve been mentioning Scooter Libby nonstop with this. Oh, how quickly the people forget. Before I flounced out of my old account on Jezebel last year, I was saying just before the election that Americans have a perilously short political memory. That was in regard to the pussy grabbing tape. Everyone told me how wrong

Even if he does “flip,” the people above him aren’t going to get in trouble. Just ask Cy Vance how excited he was to not prosecute Donnie Jr. and Ivanka.

Be prepared to be angry, my friend.

No one. This scandal has its Scooter Libby and if I was a betting man, I’d say THAT’S ALL, FOLKS. Sorry to rain on the excitement parade but...that’s how this particular cookie tends to crumble in the good ol’ USA.

Be sad for the scores of children they’ll eventually have. And neglect.

Fort Pickens park is awesome! When my parents lived down there I rode my mom’s cruiser bike all the way down the beach and got to the preserve. There had been a red tide that year and the sand was littered with dead fish skeletons. There were no people around, either =D



“Open secrets” tend to come out in comments sections on gossip blogs, particularly when they run blind items. Gawker was once a good source for this. OhNoTheyDidn’t was too. Lainey Gossip may still be.

THANK YOU for bringing up Michael Jackson. For a few years now I’ve been feeling like I’ve been taking crazy pills. IDK about Michael but I wouldn’t settle a child molestation case for any amount of money if I wasn’t actually guilty of child molestation because to me, a settlement means “I’m guilty but I’m also rich

Some people find her obnoxious. I get it. This isn’t her fault but whenever I see news items about her I think about that time her husband blocked me on twitter because I pointed out that his “Putin is so awesome” joke was shitty given how much violent homophobia he incited. This was before the 2016 election but still.

I’ve been a stoner probably for longer than you’ve had your driver’s license, kid. Don’t tell me how to get high. I don’t eat weed, period, and plenty of people should avoid it as well.

Yeah I remember when the “Harvey Levin is in the tank for Trump!” posts were around last year and I was like “so y’all are going to stop linking to TMZ...right?” But of course not.

Yeah but he’s also 5-ever friends with Johnny Depp, so maybe he’s not a total saint?

People who don’t already know this are either willfully ignorant or...just willfully ignorant, I guess.

IDK if I’d trust 4chan to post an accurate version of the list...

They are the kind of famous people that make me glad I wasn’t famous in my early/mid 20s. People who manage to be famous without humiliating themselves during the obnoxious “my brain finally finished developing and now I know everything” phase truly are blessed.

What the fuck do you care why people are fat? It’s really not your business, and if you actually DO care about health or whatever, you’d keep your mouth shut because research shows time and again that fat shaming makes the problem worse.