Well, beating his wife probably did it too.
Well, beating his wife probably did it too.
Well the sensationalizing of this made it seem as if it was way more equal than it actually was. Which was his whole strategy. Cheating on someone and physically abusing them aren’t the same. At her worst they called her a cheating golddigging whore. All based on the delusions of an abusive misogynist obviously, but…
This is what happens when you surround yourself with kiss-arse yes-men for decades. You convince yourself that blacking out and not remembering what happened will be perfectly plausible in court as a clear case of innocence when accused of beating your ex-wife.
It’s clear that both Depp and Herd are people with deep issues and both did bad things. Neither are innocent here”
Confuse your personal taste with popular taste much? The Rolling Stone article that detailed how he’s blown basically all his money estimated his lifetime earnings at around $650 million, with about half of that coming from his share of the PotC movies. (Not that he saw anywhere near that, between taxes and management…
Man, I watched the original ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ a few nights ago...he was such a handsome guy back then, what happened??
Its pointed out part of his defence was his heavy drug usage. As that drug usage was part of his defence statement hes essentially pled guility to it and so its highly likely that despite it being a civil rather than a criminal case he will still end up on no-fly lists for countries that bar convicted drug users.
I was surprised he still had so many fans. He used to be very attractive but now he looks disgusting and he hasn’t put in a good performance in about a decade. Not to mention his insanely racist appropriation of Native Americans.
The U.S. case is substantially weaker than the British one, for a number of reasons, and if he had good advisors around him/was actually listening to them, he wouldn’t go through with it. At this point, it would be virtually impossible to win.
It’s insane how one of the repeated arguments his team used was that Amber having not deleted evidence of his behaviour was “proof” it was all a concocted lie.
Wow, this was more informative, interesting, and well written than the original article! Thank you
“I feel like he was never going to win this case”
The UK is notoriously favourable to the injured party in libel cases (so Depp in this case) and NGN admitted the articles did do damage to his reputation so that would’ve likely tipped it by default closer to him. And if his claims were true it realistically should’ve…
Maybe now the incels will stop holding him up as an example of yet another poor, helpless (rich white) man undone by an evil, conniving woman, since an independent judge has now ruled this wasn’t libel?
I saw this and the outcome was exactly what I expected. Like...he called for this case and the evidence was bad before he brought truckloads more in against himself.
The Sun is a shitty Murdoch-owned rag of a ‘newspaper’ that most people in the UK wouldn’t line a budgie’s cage with. Johnny Depp is a nasty piece of work, a wife beater, misogynist, a drunk and a drug abuser. Ms. Heard though? She’s got some issues, too, but she comes out of this vindicated. She has my best wishes as…
Won’t be long until new and long-dormant accounts come out to claim how Heard lied, judge is bought etc etc as his fans on twitter have been doing since 10am (when earlier they’d been celebrating what would be an easy win for him).
Why is he still a thing? I thought he destroyed his career by what, 9 pirates films and constantly destroying other disney film franchises with Tim burton...
Gee, if the Royals easily covered up William’s covid19 status, makes you wonder what else they’ve been hiding!
Yes, blow your germy breath all over that cake and make sure every Kardashian & etc get your bacteria...