
make sure to put Catch Me If You Can on that list, its probably my favorite of his. 

Radcliffe played himself on that episode so you know he probably doesn’t take it that seriously.

I feel like Cecilia could work well

Yeah that was my biggest struggle with the review. I get if you don’t like a book but to kinda rewrite history and say it was a flop is completely untrue.

Wait... so The Marriage Plot was considered to be a miss now? I remember it being critically acclaimed when it came out; maybe not as much as Middlesex but still not considered a loss.

Now playing

The Alamo Drafthouse I saw it at played this before the trailers started.

How do you not get that depiction does not equal endorsement.  

Yeah I think you can go through it without picking up on any of the biblical subtext but I also think that once you catch one aspect of it, its hard not to see it almost everywhere. It seemed pretty clear that Aronofsky had Judaeo-Christian concepts firmly within his mind when creating this.  

I mean she was fantastic in this so unless your suggesting that she’s some sort of weird (spoilers I guess) mother earth goddess being in real life she can act outside of “playing herself”. Also its weird to me that all the people you brought up that can only act as themselves are women, especially that you put

Man - I totally forgot about Company of Thieves. I saw them open for Death Cab years ago and obviously loved their Rushmore inspired music video for Oscar Wilde (And yes thats also why I fell in love with The Decemberists). She really has a great unique voice.

Yeah I don’t think this episode was so much about “guns” than about the types of power behind America’s love of guns and what guns represent both to society and to men in particular. I also think its super important to remember that depiction does not mean endorsement especially when it comes to Bojack Horseman.

Yeah I know that Netflix promotes this whole binge mentality for its new shows but its taken me a few more days than I expected to get through the whole season because I keep having to stop for “emotional breaks” with how intense and real this season has played out. Usually there is only one or two episodes of Bojack

I don’t know - I love both in different ways. Some days I’ll prefer to put on Alligator and some days I’ll prefer Boxer. I think Alligator has this kind of frenetic anxiety vibrating underneath all of it while Boxer has more of a more melancholic unease that washes over all of it.

Man do I love Slow Show but I’d have to throw Green Gloves up there as well.

I went and “read” the article slideshow that was linked in this piece that “called out” various breweries for their financial backing and was very surprised to find that the author included investment companies alongside the big brewers and corporations like InBev and Heineken. I get being upset at all these large

I don’t think that anyone thinks that Bojack is a “Deep Person” and if they do they are severely misguided. It indicts his actions and behavior while showing that there aren’t always easy answers to things and also showing the true scope of what depression can be like.

I’m sorry if you see it that way - I’m just coming from a different perspective. I’m just not gonna proclaim the death of the AV Club a few days into this new system, I’m gonna try to do what I was doing just a few days ago - continue to read articles and comment. And if this starts to be the end of the AV Club with a

Participating in a discussion.... what are you doing?

You’re right about the analogy but the problem is that unfortunately the GawkerKinjaModo style is the driving force for the metrics that the company heads care about. They aren’t looking to create a space for forums and community to develop - they are looking to maximize their traffic. That really sucks and is a

I get it - I’ve been around since before the Disqus merger. I’m just happy that they are still around and haven’t gone under like the Dissolve. I get that there is a love of the community that develops - but this isn’t and won’t ever be the end of communities like that. I just think it is good in times like this to