
100% that is a shadow judging by the texture.

Isn't there this thing in California where you can go 6 months without a plate. Hence why Jobs was switching cars every 6 months?

Auto driving during traffic would be a huge plus actually. I would never use my phone while driving but if the car drives itself in traffic I'll sit down and play some games or text while rather than bang my head against the wheel.

Musk: Ok first with the little something else, guys, the earth is going to become a fiery radioactive fireball, we need to make a colony on mars and I need 1 million volunteers. Applications open now!

Are you saying Musk will just unzip his pants on Oct 9th?

Not exactly, terraforming is much easier to do on a new planet where the risk is minimal vs experimenting on earth. A lot of the knowledge we gain terraforming other planets will help us keep earth habitable.

You know whats interesting? In Iowa you can take a stick of butter and dip it in fried oil and eat it and that is a-ok. Get you a heart attack but again a-ok. But test drive a car and OMG you need to be protected! The guy is giving a test drive, call the police! Think of the children!!!!

It is often time not only about money but the fact that they had deep connections within the government. In Missouri for example, the legislator who tried to ban Tesla was a dealer himself. On top of that auto dealer lobbies are some of the biggest contributors. They don't even need things to get to vote, they just

That is because Lexus and Audi paid the mafia dealers "protection money". So they can do it.

Yup, so when you buy a car and want to show it off. Make sure no dealer is around or they'll have you arrested.

"It's really a customer protection issue," says Anderson.

Tesla said it before they will add features as they come, some Tesla cars on the road already have new hardware. People are saying new cars entering production shold have them. (though it depends when the car entered production so some new cars don't have them if they entered production prior)

No. So you know even the most energy dense batteries are a fraction of the energy density of gasoline. The reason why they come competitive is due to efficiency of the electric motor. Converting electricity to mechanical energy is far more efficient process than converting heat to mechanical energy.

Gas hydrogen hybrid? why?!?!? That makes 0 logical sense on why anyone would want to mix the two.

Any info on the attempted water landing of the first stage?

Not 1 electrolyte but 2 electrolytes that need to be replaced. And since a salt is acid + base, depending on what is used in the electrolytes can depend on the cost to fuel. Plus you also have a lot of losses due to inefficiency of a flowcell vs a battery.

Why can't I just use my cellphone or pin and chip credit card and pay directly? Or is having a dump yard of metrocards somehow cost effective for the MTA?

AsiaSat is a Hong Kong company which is china and same time not china. But long story short, SpaceX is cheaper and more reliable.

When did I say that the Tesla Model S is as armored as Presidential Limo? I just said that it is fairly armored, not that it is as armored as a presidential Limo. As far as the road debris thing, the reason that happened was the metal object got in between the road and the car and made a leverage action. In every

No need to break any laws of physics. I think a better indicator would be the MPG. This car gets 8 MPG. This is a bit more than 2x less MPG than a full sized sedan. Which means using a Tesla Model S battery it would have 132.5 miles range. Even if we go by worst case scenario 3x worse range, 88.3 miles range. Aka