It is simple, he was not the first one to get it so he lost some "prestige". So he settled for the next best thing, 15 minutes of fame doing something stupid.
It is simple, he was not the first one to get it so he lost some "prestige". So he settled for the next best thing, 15 minutes of fame doing something stupid.
The extra delay though was due to Chinese customs. That is one of the issues of importing cars vs building them locally.
I'd love to see this guy act tough and protest the Chinese government and how they handle their customs.
What people will do for 15 minutes of fame, quite sad.
There is a few mistakes here, mostly that solar panels are pretty durable. Withstanding a car is not an issue. Also, solar panels and LEDs are pretty much reverse of each other. The bigger issue is cost/efficiency. You are better off putting solar panels on roofs, not on roads. Not only do you get better angles facing…
Well to be more precise:
Roadster - 120mph
Model S 60kwh - 120mph
Model S 85kwh - 125mph
Model S 85kwh Performance - 130mph
So I can see why you may have thought it to be 120mph.
The top speed of a Tesla Model S is 130moh. (though I'd say it goes around 133mph). Mostly it is software limited and can most likely go faster in reality.
They have a fixed reduction gear, not a transmission. Tesla originally did want to have a 2 speed transmission that was not working out, but abandoned it because the transmission was not necessary as they managed to get what they wanted with no transmission with an improvement to the motor.
You do not need to add a…
I wish them luck, but I am doubtful they can keep up with Tesla's speed of innovation.
Just out of curiosity, how will transmissions help audi when electric cars don't have transmissions?
And what political moves have they made that are unsurvivable?
It is not made to look good or bad. It is not a car, you don't own it. It is a new method of transportation. Do people complain about the exterior looks of a subway or a train? (Don't answer that, I am sure there are some people with a train fetish that are picky about the looks of trains)
Tesla was at full capacity but Panasonic invested 200 million into expanding the battery production lines. It was suppose to take effect 2014Q2 and be in full production on the new lines by end of 2014. So they have room to produce more until the gigafactory goes like in 2016/2017. Since we are talking about 2018 and…
A coal powerplant like that is not common. I hear it is the last coal powerplant in Connecticut and there has been a lot of pressure to close it down.
NJ does not use coal at all. Most of their power comes from nuclear. Though if I had to chose between coal powered EV or gasoline. I would chose coal powered EV. Reason?
The cost is quoted by Elon Musk himself in a video. So unless he gave a roundabout estimate on the spot I would take it as accurate.
You pay a price based on the competition. What Tesla offers is very competitive in it's price range. Hence why people overpay for a Mercedes S class, BMW M5, Audi A8 and etc.
The roadster uses LCO chemistry. Tesla originally planned to use those batteries on the 40kwh version of the Tesla Model S and said that they would not be able to be supercharged. The problem is with the batteries. LCO does not handle fast charging well.
No, not 1 in a billion for a cottage. 1 in a billion for bringing 5 cars to 1 cottage.
If the cottage is big enough to hold 5 full families, then getting enough charging is not an issue. You can easily install NEMA plugs for every car for less then it costs to travel to said cottage and back in gasoline costs.
The roadster batteries can't handle the charge rate the Model S can. If your going to make the supercharger charge slower for a roadster to fit the Roadsters charge rate that defeats the purpose of a supercharger. They don't want a roadster hogging a supercharger for hours.
I doubt Ford and Chevy are buying ZEV credits. They most likely make enough ZEV credits themselves, especially Chevy. You can meet 90% of the required ZEV mandates with hybrids and efficient gasoline cars. The ones buying would have been Honda and FIAT. But as of today, all manufacturers are compliant. Tesla has…
What is a rumor?