
I haven’t apologized about anything because have nothing to apologize for. It’s not my game. I don’t need to be paid by Squenix to be excited about playing an alt version of one of my fave games. I’m a graphic designer who got my degree in game design and I know a lot about this complicated system of game production,

Yes... I believe that very much explains why I listed all of those places. And obviously Loveless had more of an interest from people than you realize which is why the novel was included throughout the story of Crisis Core. I’m also not here to debate with you who I feel is better at creating sandbox worlds. You seem

I’m pretty sure by now that you know that Squenix HAS confirmed just what you said: “that they still need to expand the game in order for the split to make sense.” Yes they are doing just that. Also FF15 does exactly what I was saying, split it up by continents as separate areas. I honestly don’t know how they would

Actually, I thought a bit about how they could make it in chunks. Now, you may not LIKE it and I’m not trying to change that, but I think it could work. Midgar would obviously be one “episode” and would be expanded to its own large scale Skyrim/GTA map in itself. The next “episode” would be once you get out to the