Weaponized Autism

I think it’s hilarious with the whole GRC/Great Reset metaphor.

That’s what happened in Indiana.

Similar thing happened in Indiana a couple of years back. Court ruled against the cops and the dude got off clean.

Get an air fryer with a rotissere. It makes it so much better.

Or let’s talk about how Sicknik died of natural causes instead of how the media portrayed it for 3 1/2 months.

He dated her daughter after he was shot? Oh wait, it’s The Root. They don’t know no grammars.

Why is it Illinois family reunions and weddings happen at the same time?

Well then fuck you in your dc statehood.

Why would this matter to anyone whose ideology is execute them anytime up until birth?

Another case of the Leftstream media trying to spin a justified use of deadly force into another martyr for the “Black Lives Marxists’.

Any reason why the ‘Follow’ button on these sites is disabled? Maybe because of the spamming?

Officer was doing his job. Right on! Back the Blue!

‘Journalistic malpractice’ might have been committed had a real journalist been involved in writing this drivel. These are pseudo-jornalists, political activists, who masquerade as some sort of objective, unbiased, informative reporter. There is no journalism in the traditional sense anywhere on these shit sites.

1. Fuck you

The ‘real’ dudebra is a fucking pussy.

The ‘real’ dudebra is a fucking pussy.