Weaponized Autism

Oh look it’s the Howard Zinn wannabe!

Nope. Just you!

Really? Do ya? Cause that is straight up fascist thinking...

Truckloads of illegals gettin T-boned on the interstate.

This blogger who wrote this crap does.

Also the ‘thing’ that set poor Alec off was people asking about thier 6th child whom showed up five months after their 5th child was delivered. Apparently, he told people to ‘mind their own business’ when asked where number 6 came from.

Here are your options:

In 2006, Biden spoke about the rise of Indian immigrants in his state of Delaware.

The Southern Poverty Law Center

So everything is based on second-hand knowledge...yeah, go figure.

han guk in, yo?

LOL and your replies keep getting longer,LMAO. Who’s upset now? LOL!

Wow, you are entertaining. What else goes on on that feeble mind of yours that you translate to ‘reality’?

Deez Nutz!

Yeah, it’s exactly what you meant. Gettting ‘stars’ and comments must really get the pre-drip going, huh? Keep salivating for them clicks, doggy boy.