Weaponized Autism

Kind of like a gun, huh?

Fuck you, monkey.

There was no implosion. Why characterize it that way? They were straight up kicked off AWS. Big Tech’s regulation days are coming.

Mark and Jack and Jeff all walked into a punch. With the bans, will come the breakup and regulation of Big Tech. Thank you, Boys!

Can’t impeach a private citizen...

Hashtag Fuck you

Looks like you’re shit out of luck. There’s no vax for douchebaggery.

Keep fucking dreaming, asshole.

‘They didn’t use the picture I like!’

She actually knows how to write?!?!?!

Try it on your asshole when your boyfriend fucks you up it.

Democrats are bent on pushing this country to the breaking point so they can watch the ‘system’ fail. American Communists is what they really are and should be called from now on. Nancy needs a good cunt punt.

I guess with the loss of funding for many of these Metro PD’s, they had plenty of time on their hands to show up to demonstrate their displeasure with the Defund the PO PO bullshit and the stealing of the election.