Weaponized Autism

Offer up your first born child.

I can imagine my comment will be censored, but every single quote you posted from Trump is spot on. Also, what land isn’t stolen? That’s what happens over time. Civilizations are conquered by other civilizations. What is your bar for this? Does it expire after a certain period of time? Do you consider England ‘stolen

For the US commentariat: Plain yogurt? Or eaten alone like chips?

Maybe they could just start rioting again. That seems to make everybody okay with no longer social distancing.

I say, “My Body. My Choice!”

This Group Perpetrated Fraud to Raise Money for BLM Charities

Meanwhile, can we talk about all those masks being advertised, even here on this site, that have the escape valves that totally bypass the mask, making then ineffective for containing COVID-19?

Maybe have one while you’re feasting on some Coney Island Whitefish

Hey, Chicago, your pizza sucks