weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“We don’t have jurisdiction in the mall.”

     Karen fell down into the sunken place and couldn’t get over herself. Make these at large problematics wear KarenAlert bracelets so appropriate actions can actually be taken.

What in the Carolyn Bryant?!?!??!?! Man when dickhead #2 gave her the menacing look and told her to back off....that shit hurt inside......effing devils!

That part about not being able to eject her from the mall killed me. Since fucking when? I remember the cops who patrolled the mall near my high school acting with near impunity. Their mission: Identify any time more than two Black or Brown kids got within 20 feet of each other, then come charging in to break up “gang

The caucasity is sickening. It’s literally like watching Rosewood where that dirty whore of a white woman had sex with the criminal who EVERYBODY saw and knew she couldn’t hide the bruises, came out of the house and freaked out blaming “the n——r” for raping her. No one asked for proof or a description because they

These people are literally toddlers who have never reached the emotional maturity level of an adult. This is literally a textbook case of Histrionic Personality Disorder and I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE you this woman has done this to other people before.

Emantic “EJ” Bradford Jr. was his name.  Yes.  Funny how that works.

She pulls out every play in the fragile white girl handbook on this one. Racist freak out? Check. ‘Emotional Breakdown’ as soon as she realizes she’s being filmed? Check. That doesn’t work so she pretends to pass out? Check. That doesn’t work so she lashes out violently again? Check. Cops show up and she turns on the

Japan denies that it committed war crimes and Turkey denies the existence of the Armenian genodice.

We’re the only country that was celebrating traitors. Fucking weird lol. In Germany you’ll be arrested if you put up a statue of Hitler.

Someone should stand up at a quiet moment at every show and just scream

If nothing else, there will be some delicious schadenfreude when every audience but the most toxic ones reject him completely.

The hubris. Lord. He’s 83. Can’t he just sit down somewhere? If it’s not going to be jail, can’t it be his house?

Relentlessly positive, full of love and empathy, even on the darkest of days. One message of hers that stands out to me, was the night Chadwick Boseman died. It was like a hug from Big Mama/Nana/YourFavorite Auntie, all rolled up in one. “Hello there...I’m just checkin in on ya. You alright? It’s ok if you’re not.”

My TV was on live TV on Saturday and I vaguely recall some tribute the NFL broadcast for Black History Month. I remember some Black former football player saying some isht so hokey, I looked up and turned on Netflix. I have no desire to watch any NFL games anymore.