weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Further, how was the immediate past-First Lady not then... A Harlot?

These guys use the term Jezebel the same way alt-right whackos use the term socialist to describe anyone whose politics they disagree with.

This sort of hypocrisy is what is driving so many people away from religion...yet they all sit around blaming the schools and the media for their shrinking congregations.

Remember when those hateful bigots in West Virginia referred to Michelle Obama as an ‘ape,’ then talked about how Melania Trump would bring ‘class’ back to the White House? 😂 And then they lost their jobs cos they were doin it on Facebook

Jesus made clear that the church’s job was to reach out and love people, care for the poor and stay the motherfuck out of political matters on any level, that he would not look kindly on it when judgement time came. Again, these pastors don’t seem to really know the book they are supposed to have foremost in their

So a man who fucked around on everyone of his three wives and probably had sex with underage girls, Is “God’s chosen one” but Harris Is a Jezebel.

She’s literally flying to Mexico but she ain’t a flight risk? Well how about you say no anyway? Tell her to suck it up and think about what she done? Her fellow flower bitches can get drunk and fuck around with her for once?

If I ever hear one more white person or Republican tell me about respecting the law, the flag or the police I am going to beat the shit out of them. I mean not one month after these piece of shit stormed the Capitol and beat one cop to death WITH THE VERY FLAG THESE MOUTH BREATHING CHUD FUCKS LOSE THEIR SHIT OVER IF

We are certainly not sending our best.

Or even better, she acts like the ugly American tourist she is, and has a bad run in with the Federales.

Well, I’m sure it is, in the sense that it’s a personal vacation that she’s dressing up as a company retreat so she can have the business pay for it. I bet she drives a company car as well. Maybe the IRS should take a gander at her corporate finances...

Ain’t no way a trip to Mexico is a company retreat for a fucking flower shop. That is a lie so fucking stupid that to pretend to believe it is to be complicit in her fuckery. This judge, the prosecutors, and the pretrial services officer all need to fucking go.

And this

The judge wrote that neither prosecutors nor a pretrial services officer opposed the request.

Huh. I figured Jenny Cudd was about to find out about Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell, but her motion really was unopposed by the prosecution.

Fuck’em both.  With a cactus.

“We should not have a one-size-fits-all policy set by Washington politicians.”

THANK YOU for the clarification! It does need to be raised to $15 over several years and then indexed to inflation so that it’s not a constant fight.

Now whyyyyyy does Manchin want to prevent his incredibly poor fanbase from a meaningful wage increase? He does more to keep West Virginia in the dark ages than, well, I dunno what. I really would like to get to the bottom of this, because I am sure there are good people in W.VA that would gladly trade up to a job that

Should have had a $15 minimum wage decades ago. By 2025 when it finally rolls out, we need to be deep in the Fight for $25 movement...