weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Trump is Putin’s bitch.

Yerolemous also gets props for his choice of smartwatch*. Pebble OG ftw. Not some doggone Apple watch...

For me it’s not about going to the wrong floor initially. We’ve all been tired af and discombobulated enough to do something like that.

Yeah... I didn’t make it past the first 2 minutes of that performance.

She may well be a sociopath. I still believe she was on drugs though. Whether alcohol, or some legal or sketchy stimulant, or even something more illegal and recreational.

My wife installed our insurance company’s app on her phone for the discount without telling me.

Sorry... no... that’s bullshit...

It’s always a choice. You don’t have to buy their food to watch the movie.”

“But sheez, if you don’t want to pay for expensive movie food, eat before or after the movie. It won’t kill you to go three hours without food, would it?”

But she can be a potent force without running for **anything**.

The Dothraki are from Essos not Westeros.”

I really don’t want her to mar her resume with a losing Presidential run. Given the current political climate, I just don’t see how she could win.

“[...]The Dothraki did not respond to The Root’s inquiries for comment.”

“...and then, as he impales Theon with the broken spear shaft, Night King says, ‘Stick save!’”

The framers were also racist, misogynist, xenophobic, slave holders (or ok with slavery) who talked out the side of their damned necks. “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!!!”

Gotta confess... When I read about this question posed to Bernie the other week, I didn’t think that inmates should be allowed to vote. I believed 100% that once released, voting rights should be restored, but did not believe those serving time should be allowed to vote.

“Why do people who have stuck with a show that includes numerous graphic rape scenes (including rape of children) have such a hard time with this?”

I get the arguments for impeaching Trump, I truly do. Fuck, I agree with them, and I’m tired of all this weak ass talk of pragmatism. The problem though is even sending Trump to prison (which won’t ever happen) won’t change any of the things Mike mentioned.

“It’s also out of a large push that cis/white/male creators shouldn’t write from the perspective of anybody not cis/white/male. Sure, there should be more art from different perspectives, and there’s also too many times the cis/white/male creators flub the non cis/white/male voices, but if that group’s work was purely

I like the idea of mandatory public service, but it is yet another well meaning proposal which forgets that this would cause undue hardship for some people who can least afford it.