weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“This subpoena is for his financial records, though, right? The tax return thing is another matter. I know traditionally Presidents have released their returns, but have they also released their financial records as well?

You sound stupid...

“Why should she have to prove something she’s been saying all along? She said they weren’t his kids. She wasn’t trying to get child support from him. He’s an ex who is trying to punish her. The court shouldn’t have even given him standing to bring the suit.”

“Why should she be forced to prove that someone she says is NOT the father is NOT the father?”

Lord... What is a “real job”? Customer service reps, fast food workers, cleaning people, meat plant workers, etc perform work which make it possible for the the rest of us to perform our own jobs and live our lives.

“[...]I have to believe people saying this stuff don’t understand who would be hurt most by these things actually happening.[...]”

Why don’t we start with addressing the fact that people of color typically pay more for hair and skin care products? I mean have you seen Shea Butter prices lately??!!!

When I was a young single man, looking for a hookup in the mall was a fairly common thing. I mean lots of pretty ladies around, right?

While I’m glad they added those charges - something they weren’t guaranteed to do, I’d still like to know what took so long.

We deeply regret that this incident occurred...

“...When he tried to talk shit about Sansa to Arya and she was like “no dude” and I applauded...”

Sooner or damned later the incumbents have to grasp the fact that the opposition fights dirty. I get the instinct not to follow them into the gutter, but handicapping oneself with all known types of purity will not address the problems the opposition is causing real people.

As great as the writing has been for Lyanna Mormont, and DAMN it’s been good, it seems to me that her primary purpose is to validate the possibility that Sansa could actually rule in Winterfell, since usually a woman wouldn’t rule a house.

“The cassowary is rightfully considered the most dangerous bird in the world!” the zoo says. “Each 3-toed foot has a dagger-like claw on the inner toe that is up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) long! The cassowary can slice open any predator or potential threat with a single swift kick.”

I don’t know what to make of the rape charges. I can’t remember all the details, but the actual allegations sounded strange. That the charges were dropped fairly quickly, when he wasn’t even available to mount a vigorous defense, struck me as weird too.

There was a comic from the glory days of Def Comedy Jam who had a bit about this:

“I think what people are saying is that a lot of the cases involve parents who simply can’t be bothered or parents who are actively keeping their children from school.”

“Finding a solution that doesn’t hurt anyone is really hard. I know there are abuses, but someone has to force parents to do right by their kids sometimes.”

Can I play?!