weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

My DVR is already set to record this, twice, in case the 1st scheduled recording doesn’t work as it should. The Negro Motorist Green Book is another thing which perfectly documents the times in which those who relied on it lived. I’ll be watching this with my kids this weekend.

“This is court of public opinion right, so we are all speculating wildly, ... and we all have opinions but come on .. we know how this is gonna end”

“...But when Trump tries to use notes healways goes off script with some racist shit about caravans and The Wall.”

“Henry is there to fill in for some almost certainly dumb decisions made my Carl in the comics. TV show Carl would definitely not be so stupid as Henry is.”

C’mon. So the check memo field was supposed to read “Staged homophobic racist beating, down payment”?

I actually responded to a comment which I incorrectly believed responded to a comment other than the one it actually did.

It’s bizarre to ask why someone who knows they have a perfume sensitivity *voluntarily* puts themselves in a situation where they are exposed to them? A situation they can avoid easily and without consequence?

“IMO, Cathcart is one self-loathing negro. I would like to give him a “hands-on” experience for subjecting these students to this emotional abuse.”

“yeah knowing about the Epstein makes me furious, so if R Kelly gets off I can’t say i’ll be that torn up about it.

Just learned more about the Epstein case today. It is got damned disgusting.

“Seriously, I’m pretty sure once Trump started spewing that non-sense about “OBAMA WIRETAPPING TRUMP TOWER! ILLEGAL?” broke, the Administration (including the DOJ) began their campaign of “Oh, well, the investigation is wrapping up!”

Love how you label this “pulling an Obama” when incoming administrations have employed the same policy since at least the American Civil War, maybe earlier.

I don’t normally shill for tv hosts, but have you heard Rachael Maddow’s podcast “Bagman”?

I can't take any position on the accusations against her son, but doesn't her resignation display a level of self awareness and integrity we don't usually see these days?

I’m laughing at the headline.

It is unquestionably unacceptable that an employee has to tolerate such treatment in 2019, but since a large part of that employee’s salary is dependent on the whims of assholes such as those she described, she may have little choice.

Somebody better FUCKING go to jail for years behind this BS. There are multiple examples of people being jailed due to understandably voting when they didn’t realize that they were ineligible.

“Typical Democrats sitting in the stands cheering as Zion falls.”

Before I actually saw the video, I was conflicted about whether or not Zion should play out the season. His team is the favorite to win the Natl Championship, right?

One could argue that Native Americans have gotten some reparations in the form of exemptions and policies which allow things like easy paths to casinos and lending institutions. Jews got the whole of Israel, which one might recall wasn’t just empty desert when it was given to them - people were displaced in order to