weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

We...Uhmmmmmmmm... Already agree on this point?

I am saying that they have already formed their opinions. Jussie Smollett's apparent deception will give them a concrete case to "prove" those opinions they already hold, but I can't see it changing any minds.

“I, too, would never be brave enough to stage a fake hate crime, file a false police report, and re-victimize every real victim by making it that much harder to be believed in the future.”

I didn’t recognize Norton till he removed his shades in his final scene. Pretty sure that was by design.

Just saw it last night in xd 3d. I left the theater feeling it was “meh” at best, till I considered I’d done everything wrong leading up to watching it.

I can’t fault Kaep for taking the settlement. He won up to that point in court, but that winning streak was unlikely to continue.

“when the Post’s lawyers go through the discovery phase and dig up all the previous racists statements and actions (because we just know that those exist) said asshole has been party to.”

I love Ava DuVernay. There is no question that she knows as much as an average black man like myself about living as a person of color in America. AND more than I could ever hope to learn about how that relates to perceptions of POC and BY POC in media, PR and the like. Despite this, I’m still uncomfortable with 1

Here is where I point out that as stupid, illogical, and full of lies as this Trump speech was, it perfectly demonstrates why Bernie Sanders has zero chance of being elected President.

“Stop there. Stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a rapist supporter and a racist. That kind of behavior is what got us here. We can’t have honest discussion and reasonable skepticism when you are out here calling everyone who disagrees with you a bigot”

Wait... There is a greater than zero chance that Jussie manufactured this whole thing, but I’m not sure how anyone can conclude that’s the case after reading the timeline provided in the article.

I was initially an Avenatti fan because of his Trump trolling, but I’ve become fairly skeptical about the guy lately.

As much as I’m willing to sacrifice the 2nd amendment to prevent all these senseless gun deaths, trying to eliminate the 2nd would be a fantastically bad idea.

I kind of agree with you, but your use of Tyler Perry as an example illustrates another point.

I must express extreme scepticism about your final picture, Stephen. The Messican invaders of Trump and his people's imagination might manage GoBots at best. More likely TransMorphers...

“Should you wear Blackface?”


Not necessarily... Sure, an employee is supposed to be able to submit a new W4, but that doesn’t mean businesses always make that easy to do...

And so it begins... The old guard Dems are eating their young.

Why does...This is... I mean...