weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

I was initially an Avenatti fan because of his Trump trolling, but I’ve become fairly skeptical about the guy lately.

As much as I’m willing to sacrifice the 2nd amendment to prevent all these senseless gun deaths, trying to eliminate the 2nd would be a fantastically bad idea.

I kind of agree with you, but your use of Tyler Perry as an example illustrates another point.

I must express extreme scepticism about your final picture, Stephen. The Messican invaders of Trump and his people's imagination might manage GoBots at best. More likely TransMorphers...

“Should you wear Blackface?”


Not necessarily... Sure, an employee is supposed to be able to submit a new W4, but that doesn’t mean businesses always make that easy to do...

And so it begins... The old guard Dems are eating their young.

Why does...This is... I mean...

Why is calling for an investigation and waiting for more facts a problem here? Republicans are making a habit of using sexual assault or sexual misconduct accusations to discredit Democrats *whether the accusations are substantiated or not*, while refusing to take seriously accusations against their own.

I wish I could star this more than once.

None of us has any idea which of these two is telling the truth. We should insist on a full comprehensive investigation, but after 15 years, it’s not likely to clarify anything.

I initially wondered what the endgame was. I knew damned well that this Conservative group wasn’t attempting to destroy the white Governor just to see him replaced with an African American.

I started writing out a long comment in which I broke down how utterly insane this SOTU was, but I’ll save my energy for the gym tonight.

“Jfc, they really just snatched as many kids as they could and NEVER thought about ramifications or the future....”

“The only problem with that approach is that not all victims are comfortable confronting their abuser...”

“...He wouldn’t bring this up unprompted in a vanilla press tour unless he was genuinely contrite”

Wasn’t he also on that short-lived BET soap opera too?

This particular person seems to be a racist who only complained because her 2 seat mates were African American. I could still see her being booted from the plane even if she wasn’t transparently racist, because she did appear to be becoming an issue which would have been impossible to address once airborne.

“Even European socialist paradises still have private insurance. Like, openly, alongside their vaunted universal healthcare. America will to. The idea that you’ll eliminate all private insurance by imposing a vast government system instead is grossly stupid.”