weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

You sound stupid.

Thx for the correction...

Thx for the correction...

I’d thank you for correcting the single piece of bad information I had, though that fact doesn’t change my point at all. Except you think the “weird Noble Savage” and “wise Indian elder” tropes are complimentary.

Well said.

That’s not entirely true. Wherever camera, seismic sensors and motion detectors are placed will need to be controlled. Can’t have people and cattle give false positive border crossing alarms. The biggest issues are already going to be systems smart enough to minimize false positives, and enough manpower to respond to

I’m genuinely surprised it took someone this long to propose this.

I’ve seen that picture of the lone black player being jeered at by all those white kids, but I somehow missed that kid in full body blackface way to the right.

Others have done a much better job calling out her messiness than I could, I’ll just mention this: When I saw her in the first promos for MS Bala, I saw America Chavez - Marvel’s MS America. The character is queer, Latina, and one of the most powerful, interesting candidates for the Avengers which will need to be

“The right knows what it wants on immigration. It wants none, preferably, but money for a border wall and Immigration and Customs Enforcement to continue its reign of terror over immigrant families will do for now.”

There is so much to hate and fear about this administration. Frequent, public, virulent racism/xenophobia/sexism, belittling of everyone not in Trump's circle, tragicomical misuse of diplomacy and intelligence, and on and on.


“Justin Fairfax, a man who literally took his oath of office with his three-greats-ago grandfather’s Freedom papers in his pocket, knows history and knows power.”

Yeah... Cause why would they help provide the evidence which inevitably (eventually) convicts a cop of unjustified homicide...

***This*** is what everyone was trying to explain to that “reasonable” guy on Twitter who told us why he wouldn’t release the kid’s name even though he’d found it.


“Yes, because no one ever took a flight before 2001.”

“But at the end of the day is TSA is mostly theatre. The real punch will be when essential personnel, like air traffic controllers, start doing this.”

Dana White is absofuckinglutely a huge piece of shit.

Every time I tell people that the state I was born in isn’t as backward as they think, that it’s solidly purple, Virginia does some fuckshit to prove me wrong. Celebrating Robert E. Lee? OFFICIALLY and in the State house??!