weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls


People are saying it’s a side effect of his amphetamine use.

Will they be paid? Legislation to authorize payment must clear both chambers of Congress and be signed by Trump. So far 2 bills have stalled after clearing 1 chamber of Congress.

I get that people digest content differently based on a million different factors. I get that victims and those close to them (rightly) can’t tolerate jokes about this shit, but... I can’t be the only person who remembers how critical that skit was of Kelly.

I simply have a hard time believing that prices won’t go up as a result of agricultural, food processing, and food service workers (many of whom are undocumented) being paid what they are worth.

While I absolutely feel for those who need their tax refund checks ASAP, isn’t this a blatant violation of Federal law?

I could understand the Feds outrage at someone providing items which assist people crossing our border illegally ... except they there is no consistency to their argument. As long as they don’t come down hard on every employer who hires undocumented folks *every single time*, people will continue to bypass the



Only skimmed the story, but I’m guessing the Republicans failed to mention the parallels between those many have labeled “the new progressives” including AOC and their own Tea Party and whoeverthehell their modern equivalent is.

Did you see the picture/video of him standing in front of that “spread“ proud AF?

“Trump probably thought that because they were college students, they would just jump on the chance to get free food, no matter how cheap and insulting for the occasion.”

Glad to hear you are a machine for which all outside happenings are irrelevant. I’m sure companies of all sorts would love to employ you. I bet they’ll even be willing to pay you the exact same salary they pay their other machines...

What??!!! Arsenio is pro R Kelly????

“The TSA and travel experts told CNN that it is still safe to fly and that those who let the gun slip by security will be held “appropriately accountable.” ...

“I don’t think anyone who as an adult screams about the fags forcing their queerness down the throats of schoolchildren is capable of personal growth. Seriously.”

I was with you till this:


I am still trying to understand WHY THE FUQ NBC signed her to begin with.

What Toure’ said would have been out of line regardless of the audience (it even would be out of line to say in public to someone he *was* fucking) but Dani was *NOT* a co-worker.