weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Why in the fucking fuck are people coming at the children of a monster for **his** crimes? Do they imagine the children sitting on high with him Game of Thrones style, laughing at his victim’s suffering? Is there even a shred of evidence that these now grown children have done a single damned thing or support Kelly AT


I can’t possibly be the only person underwhelmed with my TCL 4k tv. I’ve viewed identical content on my TCL, my similarly priced (smaller) Samsung4k, and my mid level (in 2014) Panasonic Plasma. The later 2 blow the TCL away.

“...Border Protection spokesman Ralph DeSio told the station the prototypes “were not and cannot be designed to be indestructible.” Instead, he said, the prototypes were meant to “impede or deny efforts to scale, breach, or dig under such a barrier, giving agents time to respond.””

SEE!!!!! This is what we can do when we have opportunities. Someone in a position to get a movie idea to someone who can green light that movie, is within reach of a young person of color and *BLAU*, that young talented black girl gets her movie made.

Not so simple.

“Speaking of wanting to eat an entire family sized bag of Doritos to cope ... that’s how I feel when I look at the 3 most likely, most prominent candidates in the field, Biden, Warren & Sanders”

It’s even worse than stated. 

“I watched that video and realized I’d never heard her voice.

Now playing

Sorry to traumatize folks with Suckabee's smiling face, but anyone who hasn't seen her reduced to lip quivering stammer face, needs to see Chris Wallace of all people call her on her bullshit...

Correct. It isn’t a strike. That example still demonstrates that the government has much wider latitude in its dealings with employees of unions than you seem to believe.

While the response you suggest would be moderately funny, there is a greater than zero chance that Trump will actually announce something extreme tonight.

One of the MSNBC pundits, Lawrence O’Donnell, I think, was explaining how the fact that tax returns not being processed had painted Trump into a corner. Cause the IRS is one of the Republican party’s most hated agencies, you see. They couldn’t possibly individually appropriate funds for such an agency without looking

Is how many women or people of color have directed movies among the top 5 or 10 top grossers really a useful metric?

I genuinely don’t mean to question your lived experiences or anyone else’s. I know that there isn’t always any outward sign of abuse when it happens. I wrote what I did because in many cases though people may not have known about the abuse while it occurred, in retrospect they could point to signs that abuse was

I truly hope you don’t really believe that. They likely will get paid, but because the Republicans fear losing their middle class support more than they’ll admit, not because of any union.

“Since you were more in agreement with Tank & the others from the beginning about it being hard to separate the music you were able to find more sincerity in them that I did. So I probably am condemning R.Kelly more than you like.”

“What does R. Kelly’s music have to do with him raping someone?”

I can’t say whether any of the artists mentioned ever spoke out about R Kelly before either publicly or privately. I doubt you can either. Your criticism of men of all backgrounds not being vocal about R Kelly’s rape and other abuse of women is valid, but how can you say that music has nothing to do with it? It does.

“...Our country is technically set up not to be racist...”