weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“It also really doesn’t help that Tony Lip’s son wrote the script and that nobody actually consulted with Dr. Shirley’s family."

Sorry.... The caption for the photo attached to this story should read “America wasn’t ready for school integration, and despite court rulings and decades of hard work, THEY STILL AREN’T INTEGRATED.

“I am very glad she will be getting out but it’s beyond shitty that they continue to paint what she did as a heinous crime. She was the victim of terrible crimes, not a perpetrator.

The thing that pisses me off more than these asshole guards outrage at inmates being treated humanely, is the knowledge that these guards know that doing so helps to entice those prisoners who live in some pretty fucked up conditions to behave like human beings.

“This is good news”

“As usual, Trump is just the symptom. The disease—something that both Cooper and Wallace are a HUGE part of—is much, much bigger. And it’ll prove much harder to get rid of than Trump will.”

The most frustrating part of this whole “The Wall” thing is the fact that any reasonable thinking human being should easily understand how useless a border wall would be.

The award presentation by 4 of the Black Panther cast was the only bit of the Globes that I saw. Even though they didn’t win Best Picture (were they even nominated) it was great to see them together on stage looking spectacular.

The sheer width and breadth of denial in the comments - thankfully mostly in the greys- is astounding. Not just “I don’t think Kelly is guilty”rather “keLly didn’t do nothing why are youbhating on this beautiful good fearing man he ain’t in jail he don’t do it plus all those women want to be there you just jealous.”

They have so far. The thing though is that it isn’t automatic. Legislation has to be passed to get Federal workers back pay.

I was operating on outdated information...

That’s.... What I’m saying. According to what I’ve read Congress has already passed legislation to pay these folks *after* the Government reopens for business.

“...But for federal employees who aren’t salaried, that’s 16 days (and counting) with no back pay, whether they actually went to work or not.

This story quoted Nguyen’s husband as saying she held on to the back of the car. My comments were based on that.

I’d aspired to own Apple stuff for a while after using Macs at internships. High prices kept them out of reach, but by the time the iPhone was introduced, I was ready to jump in with both feet. Until I found out that AT&T who had the exclusive, had mad data restrictions. HTF could a device which *required* a pricey

I want to believe that investors aren’t a bunch of puppies being dragged around by their... tails, but I keep seeing evidence like the doom and gloom being preached cause Apple lost ~ 10% or so.

The agreements we all “agree to” with businesses from banks to schools to rewards clubs all have language which allows them to change the agreement on a whim. At any time. At their sole discretion.

My 9 year old daughter was having a difficult time getting out of the bed today, only a few days back to school after Christmas break. Her amazement when I showed her a few of the pictures of these extraordinary women woke her right up.

Someone, I think Pelosi’s spokesperson, commented on Twitter (I think) that passing Pay-Go was necessary to give Congress more control of funding, since there is a similar mechanism already in place with more restrictions than the version of Pay-Go they propose.

“Not much wiggle room if they consider this a felony murder, since this death occurred during another crime, theft. Nevada has robbery as part of the conditions, and the death was a direct result of the crime, even if it was unintentional. She could be facing the death penalty.”