weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

You are correct that margins aren’t always thin partly because workers are so often exploited. In my earlier post, I included the caveat “if employees are paid properly”. The low barriers to entry you mention have also lead to market oversaturation, which leaves some shops starving for business, which leads to a

Reading that the manicurist was killed after holding on to the back of the car instead of having been raced over as an earlier story reported, changes my feelings on this, but only slightly.


Word... I’m still trying to understand this fuckwit’s thought process here. I mean, I know his actions are explained by “just racism”, but how exactly did he think that grabbing a woman over anything, let alone a *got damned straw* would be tolerated?

“Tiffany Haddish has never been funny. She’s always exhibited wild, exaggerated antics, but has never told any jokes that, like Katt Williams has said, can sustain an audience for a single hour. She has sporadic one-liners, but no sustaining “joke narratives.” “

“What’s that just dropped on the floor?”

Also would have helped if the FBI had bothered to investigate any of the supporting accusations instead of simply classifying them as “unfounded”.

“What the hell WAS that? And why was it even scheduled? There is something strange going on here.”

“This country’s political polarization is ruining our common sense and basic decency”

“But apply your reasoning to airline pilots. What’s the acceptable BAC limit for your pilot? For mine it’s 0.000"

I’ll confess that I’ve been guilty of not taking “don’t drink and drive” seriously enough during my club hopping days.

“And got off virtually scot-free despite a history of burglary, larceny, DUIs, domestic battery, possession of marijuana, public drunkenness, felony possession of methamphetamine, possession of paraphernalia, obstruction, and a bunch of other absurd shit.

Fun fact: Due to previous “austerity” legislation, some Secret Service agents were gonna be working without pay even without the shut down.

They only get paid because Congress passed legislation last week guarantying that they would. I’m not the only one who remembers that Congress almost refused to do so on a previous shut down, am I?

Now playing

Prince performing PURPLE RAIN *in the mufreaking rain*, yet still absolutely slaying the song? YES!!! That was an amazing show to watch on TV. I can’t imagine how amazing it would have been to watch it in the stadium.

WOW... How many different fallacies did you just throw up to attempt to prove your faulty argument? Leaps of logic, strawmen, assuming facts not in evidence, putting words in my mouth, moving the goal posts, etc.

“A government office called the NYPD and told them that they wanted this woman out. The NYPD would not have apprehended her if when they told her to go, she just got up and walked out the door. Probably nobody would have remembered her if she reappeared on another day.”

This whole thread right here is a perfect example of how the internet /social media sphere can be a straight up teaching tool - despite the real issues it has.

Wasn’t it just a few years ago that in the midst of extreme hubris, the NFL suggested that they’d soon have artists pay *THEM* for the privilege of performing at the Superbowl?

The Democratic party as an organization (a staff, and a crew) needs to not only dedicate more of its machinery and money to fighting all of the disenfranchisement which has been so successful for the Republicans, they also need to better appreciate their most faithful group of supporters - BLACK WOMEN.