weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“I think that is her point, the evidence they have is insufficient to prove guilt.”

“I am proud to shut down the government for border security ...” Trump said during their meeting. “I will be the one to shut it down, I’m not going to blame you for it.”

“In light of the similarities between the cases, it’s my opinion it would be worse to try Anderson and lose and have the entire matter wiped from his criminal history than to accept this plea offer,” she explained”

“I do. But I also remember that wasn’t good enough for Fox because they wanted a president you could drink beers with. Now we have a President that is neither smart nor a person that even drinks beers.”

I hear the real money is in the civil forfeitures and forced prison labor which will be the “side effects” of the distribution charges somebody (s) face as a result of the combination of drugs, guns and money.

The fact that these missionaries hid the parts of the Bible which set it apart from some other religions of the day and which served to empower those missionaries to live their best lives, really says it all. The fact that there are somehow only 3 copies of that “abridged” version of the Bible known to survive manages

You have the right to be called “Ms” if that’s what you prefer, but is it really a state crime when a kid makes the mistake of calling you “Mrs“ instead?

I’ve watched every episode waiting for the one which really helps me connect to Whittaker as the Doctor. Though there have been some good episodes, none have been great or been the one which captures me.

Soooooooo on point. This exact song was playing in my mind when I read AOC's tweet. LOL

“He’s supposedly happily married though also if she was a male driver she would not have to deal with wine and offers of a shoulder rub. BUT what really annoys me about this is that he then turned around and “told her that she was too “distracting” to work as a producer”. Do your supposedly close friends make a habit

Maybe he wanted to confront the guy, but on further contemplation realized that doing so may cost the guy his job?

“ I dont know about you but I dont hang out with people from work that I’m not also friends with at work. That is, if we are just aquatances or keeping it strictly professional you wont even have my number and I’m not inviting you to go anywhere with me in public let alone be by myself with you in my home.”

Edit... Another poster linked to this accusers account. I may need to retract everything I wrote below...

HAAAAAAAA! There will not be any need for that...

It seems like it’s been a lifetime since I believed that she was the smart capable Trump that their original reality show showed her to be.

Are you assuming that Kasich or some other Republican who chooses to primary Trump, won’t run as an Independent after losing to him?

“ I went to that Christian Concern website, and no surprise, they’re actively supporting Christians ministers going where they’ve been explicitly told they’re not welcome and then claiming they’re being persecuted when they get there.”

I’d like to point out that that his “the best people” thought that having him hang out in a Coast Guard kitchen with the catered food which requires the least amount of thought, *which he wasn’t going to serve anyway* was a useful thing.

If these tariffs aren’t the clearest example of his lack of understanding of the world and the sheer scope of his delusional state....

Are there any more “Kelly will be the adult in the room” folks still around?