weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Lol at “N’becki”. I’m not sure about the numbers here. $42k a year would be a lot for many single parents, but an area’s cost of living matters too. We’ve got reasons to drag this woman, but I need more information to know whether or not this should rightly be another one. I’m sceptical about this whole thing not just

Waaaiiiitttt.... IT’S THAT EASY???!!??! I don’t have to be in business with those I don’t want to be in business with? So I can direct the taxes I pay to be used for *only* those people and causes I agree with? COOL!!!!!!!!! No more war, ya’ll! No more free rides for Churches! Even that asshole politician knows damned

Dammit Kayne.... I was gonna soften my stance on you and listen to the new album from my favoritist crack wrapp...er... RAPPER, but I’ll pass now on account of this exploitive foolishness.

No. No we are not. At least many of us are not. Pretty sure most of us have no issue with her appreciation of black culture. I think many of us understand that she has issues caused by abuse. I know many of us have no problem with a white person genuinely being an ally to black people. I know that all of us are aware

Exactly. I had a big goofy smile on my face til I read “Liberty University”. Happy this sister got her degree. It is an amazing feeling of accomplishment when one achieves this milestone. I genuinely hope she holds on to this feeling as long as she wants to. But Liberty University??!!! That I cannot endorse.

For me,one of the most frustrating parts about the outcry over these anthem protests, is the fact that those angry about the protests would likely do the same if forced by employer to stand for the anthem. They won’t admit that they would absolutely, 100% , without a question not tolerate an employer forcing them to

People have to get places without cars. Sometimes that requires crossing streets. What exactly could this woman do to avoid being hit by this damned car? She almost certainly never saw the car even if she did her requisite pre and during crossing checks for cars. These street racing assholes are responsible. FULL

“Ah yes, first confusing the victims with other people, AND THEN blaming them for what probably Al Qaeda did. Good job, you America defender, you!”

Yeah. I don’t get that either. I don’t have any idea what happened on set, but she repeatedly said it was excessive, and these guys who talk about how long they’ve all worked together, completely ignore her? Even if they somehow believe Tambor’s screaming at her was justified, how exactly is that screaming’s obvious

“Internal discipline IS.NOT.ENOUGH”

“Then a spokesman for the county later said in a statement that “internal investigations, including those initiated by community complaints, are exempt from FOIA, and it is the department’s practice not to release information related to those investigations as they are personnel matters.” “

Hmmmmmm... 2 stories of a rather large athlete and his encounter with cops in the past day or two. 1 illegally parked in 2 handicapped spots and 1 turned excercise equipment into a deadly projectile while mumbling incoherently. I wonder which of them was tased?

Angela Bassett is smart, talented **AF**, and still sexy in her fifties. I get how problematic it is that women are often reduced to how attractive they are, but Hollywood’s insistence on adherence to a Eurocentric standard of beauty is as baffling as it is racist. And it leads to some absurd casting decisions. Maggie

“I blame them for nothing. I am saying if that happened the way it did, the reaction of staff would at least be understandable—but being understandable is neither justifiable nor acceptable”

Security guards are expensive, cramp ones style, and are only as good as their training - which the client can’t easily verify. Having a gun for protection when one may actually have need of it is exactly the application for which a handgun (and weapons permits) are designed. Of course... most of us know that a

I agree with everything you wrote. 100%... But.... I seem to recall Clarkson had a stalker at one point. Maybe it was someone else? Sleeping with a gun sounds paranoid af, and dangerous! But if she was actually stalked, then I can kind of understand.

“It’s places like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin they are going to have to have enough people vote for whoever the Democrats nominate they will make the difference and I’m not all that confident that’ll happen.”

I knew that Trump could win in ‘16 because of all the combined forces working against Clinton. The same thing is why I’m convinced Trump won’t be reelected. Even if the Russia probe doesn’t sink or irreparably damage him, many people are upset by his obvious Russian entanglements. Democrats, many independents, and

What Rev Al said was astonishingly stupid, even for him. For all the reasons already articulated and a million more. White folks have a vested interest in maintaining the current status quo, regardless of how overt or not their actions to do so are. I was at a Comicon a while back. As always there were hundreds of

I didn’t mention the royal family in my previous comment because I agree with your assessment of their culpability in the world history of imperialism, and all the damaged and destroyed cultures and lands and peoples, and the current state of race relations which are its result. I guess I could have been clearer about