weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Seriously? There isn’t a single A/C repairman in the comments? I’m only related to an occasional A/C guy, and I know that the old A/C refrigerant never went anywhere. There are still MANY old systems which were made to use the old stuff. Though the newer refrigerant works in all (I think) those systems, it doesn’t

The show might do better with competent promotion. I saw promos on my Firetv and was underwhelmed. I thought “ isn’t that the woman who played the character Doug let get away, then ultimately killed (I think) on House of Cards”?”Her show looks boring af”. Maybe these awards will make it more popular.

I think DP 1 &2 were ok, not great. Part of this is probably my having read enough DP comics to find the character somewhat ridiculous. He’s Spiderman dialed up to a million. He’s almost the 3 stooges rolled into one guy at this point. I don’t think I ever liked the 3 stooges, they are just to implausibly stupid for

I’ll confess: I didn’t watch the video. I relied on the summary given and my knowledge of the US response to the current unrest (massacre). Who do I mean by “we”? Are you referring to my actual use of “we”, where I wrote about the number of deaths attributed to Stalin and Lenin, or the implied “we” when I repeatedly

One of the most frustrating things about arguing the inequities of the ‘justice’ system is explaining how utterly impossible it is to get an improper conviction overturned. Too many people are too stubborn or dense to understand how fantastically useless appeals court and higher courts generally are. They don’t want

It’s about power. Always has been. Israel will support American evangelicals who only gaf about them cause Israel needs to be destroyed for the rapture to come, (according to their beliefs) cause American evangelical support somehow gives the US govt the necessary cover to assist a supposedly friendly govt. This US

Pretty sure what you’ve described is standard at every school to prevent things like child abduction. What these guys are proposing is something more extreme than this, though they don’t give any details, for obvious reasons. (Spoiler) It’s because it’s a nonsensical non solution. I’ve never been a gun rights above

“I think this spectacle is not a weakening but a shoring of white supremacy and damn fine pr. (Be a good one and see what can happen) They couldn’t ask for a better one than a black woman who doesn’t think she’s black. Yes I enjoyed Meghan on Suits but who wouldn’t want to be recognized as black?”

And Alias. That’s the first thing I remember seeing her in. She was an adversary of the lead character (can’t remember either character’s name) and she was fantastic. I mean, she was better than the lead character on the episodes she was on.

I genuinely could not have cared less about this wedding until I saw clips of the Black Bishop and the black choir. Then I made my kids, who also didn’t care about it, watch the clips too. It really is a significant thing. Who knows if it’ll eventually be more than symbolism, but we can hope.

I think the comic version of Domino is kinda boring. Her power augments her skillset nicely, but in a universe where people can punch thru walls and shoot lasers from their hands, being really lucky and healing faster aren’t the best powers to have. Her depiction in DP 2 was great though. Zazie Beats absolutely killed

I’ve had 1 actual interaction with cops in the _ years since I turned 40. This bill still has me sitting here with knots in my stomach. This law will absolutely result in many, Many people of color being sent to prison. We all know of the tried and true choke a brotha, or twist his arms behind his back, then Charge

What the ever loving fuck? I know that Boston is more racist than your typical American city, but I’m still having a difficult time wrapping my head around this. HTF does a damned cashier feel so confident that a FUCKING $10 BILL is counterfeit that they call the cops on a guy? Why did the cops arrest him on such weak

Wow... With all the bullshit going on in our nation today, all the shit that makes me question humanity.... Once in awhile we get an amazing story like this. She is giving an organ. TO A STRANGER. I know it happens practically every day, but it still amazes me when someone is willing to literally give a part of

I was torn until I considered one point: Independent auditing is sufficient for literally every other face of Lottery operations, why isn’t it sufficient enough to allow someone to remain anonymous? This is all about commission stupidity, exploitation of winners for advertising, and maybe a bit of IDGAF, since they

I starred this in the other article too. I’ll likely star it every single time I see it, cause your point will always be a relevant one.

I laughed like an idiot for a full 90 seconds when I heard this not at all surprising news. Aside from the fact that NK has been doing basically the same thing for years, and the fact that Trump is a fucking moron for not seeing that, there’s the fact that there is no fucking way NK is going to voluntarily leave the

You don’t know how shockingly easy it is to get a warrant, do you? A family member once told a local cop how astoundingly stupid one of the dozen or so harassing things he did was. The cop didn’t assault him or arrest him on some BS, presumably because there is enough of a community activist presence to cause him

How many people has Stan Lee screwed over at the helm at Marvel Comics? How many people’s work is he still profiting from while depriving them of any ongoing benefits of that work? He has a role for life in every Marvel film, an honorary chairmanship of the comics division, and who knows what other perks. I know, I

I have one in my lowly Nissan Versa. Besides the convenience of never needing to remove one’s keys from one’s pocket, it also gives an annoying tone should one do so anyway and attempt to leave the car without those keys. I’ve never locked my keys in the car, but like most parents, the fatigue generated by new kids in