weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“This is messed up. Trump is the obese one who does nothing but scream and eat junk food, and yet he has not had any major heart issues (yet).”

EXACTLY. I used to wonder if there were any possible stupider position than supporting Israel in Jerusalem because of it’s supposed importance to”the rapture” which Christians believe in. Trumpanos, the Mad TangTan has managed to find one. It’s basically just white privilege: Ah wan it, Ah take it. No thought to the

That some people still think that the Black Panther party (which was destroyed by racist law enforcement, years ago) is the black equivalent of the KKK , is a searing indictment of this nation’s education system. There is loads of non biased information on the Black Panther party. Read a damned book. SHIT....

By your logic marrying children and abusing gays can be called a common Christian thing too. Of course, the fact that *some* members of a religion do a thing, doesn’t automatically make it a defining characteristic of that religion. I’m not sure if you are too dumb to realize that, or too much a bigot to admit that

This asshole is allowed to resign, completely avoid charges, and likely get hired by the neighboring police Dept? This is BULLSHIT. A person of color without a badge would absolutely catch charges for dragging someone out of a car. Even if it wasn’t done in anger. Even if they knew the person very well. Even if there

If we were talking about a bank robbery, or a truck hijacking, I’d completely agree with you. We aren’t. We are talking about a crime which has a long history of being ignored and under prosecuted. I don’t know any details about the alleged crime, or the woman making the allegations, or the reasons the case was

Cohen is going to snitch. There is no frigging way all this pressure, caused by the airing of his shady dealings, combined with the obvious contempt Trump and he feel for each other results In anything less. I can’t wait to read Trumpanos, the mad Tangtan’s tweets on Avennati’s appearance on AM Joy!

“I am tired of hearing that its just a few bad ones.”

If I point out how all we now know about Kelly totally changes my perception of “12 Play” (damn, threw up a little in my mouth), will that stop a few more people from supporting him?

Damn... Thanks for sharing this.

While this is ludicrously off-topic, I’ll bite... How much do you think is appropriate to play a single song? CDs or album downloads cost what, $10 now? For what, 10-13 tracks? This $10 allows unlimited playing of songs, until the CD dies or the source of the music revokes the digital license. There are songs I play

“Why keep trying to play a game we can never win?”

That is so cool! #the weekend is without a doubt the coolest of the mates of Kardashian. Especially since Kanye has lost his mind of late...

Uhmmmmmmmm... No one has a problem with the lyrics “Get paid, young nigga.” in that space? In one’s own home - even the dorms, that’s fine, but a campus restaurant? He’s a school official who will absolutely hear of complaints about that song. The lyrics *are* offensive in that context. I can’t fault him for holding

“The big question is just how powerful those U.S. sanctions will be.”

“If you are of Race A and are magically just not attracted to that race - you’ve got issues.”

Sorry...you are both right and wrong at the same time. The Democrats need to get off their asses and actually do the work for the communities which are their strongest, most loyal supporters, instead of taking our votes for granted, while courting other votes by proposing shit that harms us like that damned

“latio” isn’t used by anyone in *any* community, so....

Anybody interested in playing President and surrogates “repeat previous administrations mistakes” bingo? In this past week they’ve started the same lying and fake evidence bullshit that lead us into Iraq, and Vietnam. Hell, wasn’t the sinking of the Lousitania a sham designed to get us into war? Plus...I shit you

Oh.... Dangit...