weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“You onlythink you do everything to keep your kids from disrupting other people.”

Since Marvel/Disney/Fox is being so secretive about the TOTALLY CONSEQUENTIAL title of the Next Avengers movie, anyone wanna take a guess what the title will be? It’s totally Avengers vs The X-Men, isn’t it? Or maybe Avengers: The Ultimates, right?

Weird... Pretty sure I responded to this the first time you wrote it. It’s ok. I can repeat myself too...

Fine with me, as long as “the rest of his career” is as long as a courier’s trip to deliver his termination paperwork. We know that won’t be the case though. I’ll bet he’s in uniform on those same streets right now...

I’m tired of all the cases of cops abusing authority, and brutalizing and murdering people without consequence. I’m tired of cops being held up as special human beings who are miraculously transformed into faultless agents of justice, simply by donning a damned uniform. Every person with even a wisp of brainpower

Please tell me you dismissed that asshole. Noone else should be exposed to that level of got damned stupidity. A wife killing an abusive husband, to escape his brutality, is generally considered as a factor in sentencing, and sometimes even in conviction. HTF was that not the case here for someone held against her

HTF does a private business get to do its own investigation and use the results of that investigation to command the cops to arrest someone? I get that locker room theft is a major problem for a gym. I imagine someone beating the shit out of an innocent person at some point if this continued, but the solution isn’t

“There’s a saying in Tennessee...There’s a saying Texas, I think it’s also a saying in Tennessee. Fool me once, shame on you?.... Fool me twice.... You can’t get fooled again....”

What?!?! You know there is tons of actual evidence of a wide ranging effort to prevent black folks from doing just that? Everything from banks refusing to loan US money, to investors not giving us the time of day, to cities not giving us licenses and permits, and on and on. Asians don’t have so many businesses in our

It has been a long week... I initially read “Waffle House Correspondent’s Dinner”. Maybe it all makes more sense that way...

WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK. I’m not buying a 2 year old could have done that even to a one year old, but whoever did is deeply Fucking disturbed. If there aren’t charges filled here...

Are you serious with this bullshit? For some victims forgiveness is an integral part of their recovery. Are you saying that the fact that someone has progressed that far into the process of getting better, means the person who made that recovery necessary should go without punishment? FUCK THAT. I won’t go so far as

Is there any more clear an indication that Rose has no idea what he did wrong, than this show idea? Who in the fuck is advising this dude? Is he so damned clueless that he didn’t at least retain counsel or advisers who specialize in image rehab? WTF???

Did you mean 27 More STAINED Dresses?

Are you asking about individual kinks? I have no idea “what woman would CONSENT...”. I wrote that lack of that consent is rape. Maybe some woman does have that particular kink. Of course, I wouldn’t take anyone’s word on that but that hypothetical woman...

True. It isn’t the first time she’s heard of this, but she seems to believe that the sex and drug use was consensual. I shouldn’t have used the word “naive”.Camille seems to be willfully ignorant here. I get the cognitive dissonance, but she *is* still full of shit.

As much as I agree with everything thing else you wrote, I’m not sure she really grasps what he did. I’ve encountered numerous people who view his M.O the same as him pouring a drink for someone after he pours himself one, or passing a blunt around, before having consensual sex.  Some people really can’t understand

There is so much flawed thinking in your comment. Your mind is obviously made up as wrong as fuck as it is. There is one thing you almost got right though:

“It’s only collusion if they can prove it and they are going to have a hard time proving anything seeing as at they choose to file this while multiple people who are just as good, or better, at his position are still unsigned.”

“The snap definitely had the opposite on the non comic fans in the audience. They are fucking devastated, and the kids did not take some of that well.”