weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Learn to read. My initial comment mentioned there were many other comments which also ignored Shuri’s work to allow the gem be removed from Vision. Yours was just a convenient place to park my comment. I explained my viewpoint - in detail. I explained exactly what my frame of reference was, and the reasons for its

I love when people throw out the term “race baiting” instead of taking a moment to consider whether or not the supposed “race baiter” has a valid point. Trust me, I’d love not to see racial bias in things, but the fact is people keep displaying it - whether they intend to or not. I don’t know if that’s the case here.

Having the legal right to live somewhere doesn’t mean we’ll actually be allowed to do so. It only means they won’t openly deny us that right - sometimes. Redlining still exists. We should also realize that in-person prospective tenant interviews often serve to eliminate people from the pool of renter’s on the basis of

There’s also the question of what were the ‘threats’ they refer to. “I should slap the shit outta y’all charging for plastic utensils” in the midst of an argument, before walking away without doing so, is not the same as “i’m bout to shoot this mofo up” in the midst of an argument before walking away. She was

“Vision is an android so he could always be revived thanks to some of Tony’s tech wizardry.”

“I wonder if they actually know who threatened her and just baited him into calling her a liar.”

I confess I never really got the cognitive dissonance fans of people like Woody Allen displayed til I saw some real evidence against Michael Jackson. Like MJ, Cosby was too much a part of my childhood for me to want to let him go. I can absolutely scream from the rooftops that he is a rapist. I can refuse to do

“World” is disposable, at best. I stopped watching it two episodes into its debut, and avoided it because it was just junk.”

His lack of self awareness would be hilarious if it weren’t so got damned dangerous. I also wonder how those “we need an outsider” Republican voters feel now. He is incompetent, lacks intellect and intellectual curiosity, has no knowledge in any area whatsofuckingever, AND he is giving the game away for free. Those

Its entirely possible that I’m missing something... The WH press Corp is beholden to the Administration which controls their access to the press room. This generally keeps them from asking some of the tough questions and from following up when the answers they get are BULLSHIT. I always saw this WHCD as their way to

I too want for everyone to get proper opportunities to work on projects without regard to race, gender and the like. The problem is that as long as white male is the default great actor/writer/director/Producer, etc it is really hard for anyone else to get a shot. White women, though they are also poorly represented

I was with you until “and a white woman to make, say, a Black Panther film, and makes it still okay for a man to make a female-led comic-book movie.”. White men have always had the opportunity to fill every single role in the filmmaking process. It’s becoming more common for white women to get the opportunities to

Pretty sure there are a lot of folks who said screw the big 4 years ago, who don’t realize this effects them too. MVNO’s like Boost, Family mobile and a lot of others actually use either the Sprint or T-Mobile network. The agreements in place which give us the lower fees are almost certain to be less favorable when

I don’t think Kayne is trying to be the voice of the voiceless anymore - if he ever tried at all. The idea that his marriage into house Kardashian accelerated his fall into the sunken place is right on point. After all his hard work and grinding, his only success in his primary passion - fashion - is his shoe line. He

We can hope. Even a long public trial, during which all Weinstein’s sins are revealed, a conviction, and a parole free life sentence aren’t enough. Even the addition of legacy ending civil judgements isn’t enough. The thing all of us paying attention want - the end of people doing this shit, and massive changes in the

It’s not just conservative blacks though. Some co-workers and I were talking about this on the day Cosby’s conviction was announced. Black men in my age group - who grew up with iSpy reruns, and new Cosby movies, and TV shows. They don’t believe he is guilty of anything. Everyone was taking drugs and fucking they

My home state stay doin dumb shit, doesn’t it?Not familiar with this particular newspaper, but they make a fantastic case for the entire industry’s obsolescence. How stupid does one have to be to think this was a good idea? How incompetent do the editors have to be to allow this to go to those who prep for printing,


Nah, it’s not just Cosby appologists who are asking “what about Weinstein”. Cosby is a fucking prolific rapist who managed to get thru most of his life free from consequences. His conviction is just. It is long overdue. But Weinstein... I doubt that the people and systems which have always protected people like him

Shhhiiiiiiittttt..... This adds a whole new dimension to NBC’ s firing of Curry. I don’t put it past them to have waited for a ‘reason’ to fire her after making this report. Even someone in a position of prominence, as beloved, with as long a tenor as Ann fucking Curry is subject to reprisals. People know this, right?