weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

There is a lot to admire about Musk, but his insistance on sector disruption above everything else will be his undoing. He isn’t meeting production goals because he refuses to listen to those who have done this before. There is absolutely merit in attempting to bring logic and sanity to the car building process, but

Everything I’ve read about him suggests that he saw himself as white. Since he was also likely assumed to be white by everyone he met, cause he appeared to be white too, what is your point?

The thing that disturbs me most about this whole thing isn’t that these assholes somehow magnify and pervert some basic feelings most of us have, or even that the internet has given them increasing visibility; it’s the realization that this type of man has always existed. They’ve always been violent too. The internet

Can we talk about why “lower performing” always assumes kids of color? It is true that due to income disparities, kiss of color are more likely to be lower performing, and this needs attention, but damn... These kids are not performing poorly because they are are black and Hispanic. It is the socioeconomic factors

I gave paper and pencil as the most basic way to account for the kids to illustrate how easy the most difficult part of this is. Holding the foster parents who can’t produce kids in their care, while apparently still collecting money accountable doesn’t seem difficult at all. Missing kids should be reported, right? If

I wish I lacked the proof of how terrible people can be. As much as people who are too blind or stupid to see fucked up happenings all around us bother me, I admit that I almost envy them sometimes. Being completely oblivious to all this must be quite comfortable. As far as the loss of these kids, I really expected

Sooooooooooo administrators are being fired and foster parents jailed, right? All jokes aside, how in the holy fuck is this possible? The most rudimentary accounting for these small human beings can be done with a spreadsheet or a damned notebook. How can a FUCKING government agency, especially one which has this as a

Avenatti is clearly having the time of his life right now. I’m enjoying this as much as millions of others who despise Trump seem to be but... I worry that he may be starting to get too cocky. I saw him on CNN yesterday afternoon, and he was quite combative with the talking head he was sitting with. Something about

I get Dad’s logic that he doesn’t want his kids playing for free, and that the NCAA is irredeemably full of shit; but everything he did here misses the single legit benefit of being on a college roster - experience. His sons can benefit greatly from organized ball at the highest levels. Playing overseas can be

I want to ask a serious question for my own understanding, and also because the lack of discussion must leave many other people with the same question: What exactly constitutes emotional abuse? Everyone should understand physical abuse is any kinds of hitting, pushing, choking, physical restraint, physical

We all know this was about these black women having the temerity to occupy this ‘white space’. We’ve finally come far enough in this society that directly forbidding their presence is more difficult than it used to be. Instead of making up excuses for why well connected black women can’t have a membership, or can’t

I like some of Booker’s policies, but he needs to stop this low key coonery. He needs to STFU and work on fixing this gerrymandering mess, voter ID laws, permanent loss of voting rights for an overwhelmingly black and Latino ex prisoner population, and all the other disenfranchisement BS the other side has cooked up.

You make some good points, including that adding tv or Netflix characters to the movies is simply unworkable. Speaking of the Marvel Netflix shows, am I the only one who thinks the stories need tightening up? They often seem to just drag on with very little happening. Character development occurs at a glacial pace and

Lawd Jesus, father... keeper of the White House garden, minder of the fridge, pantry and larder...omnipotent, omnipresent shield between whifolks and mediocre spicing and “adventurous” foods like blowfish and raw oysters, I beg that you...hoooooollllldddd her HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD as she stirs those greens!!!!! ....That

I’m sitting at my work desk trying to stop my head from smoking, while simultaneously willing my fingers to grow strong enough to snatch the heart out of the first white person to ask “but what else did she do?”. This is clearly white people using the cops as their personal thug force, and cops believing their job is

I hate to use guesswork as the basis of an argument, but I’ll do so here. About 10+15 years ago, Netflix crowdsourced their recommendation algorithm research. They made their entire database, including viewing data, zip codes and various other demographic data available to anyone who wanted to participate. They only

Not sure I understand that. I’ve got family and friends I can’t imagine being without, but if credible allegations of something as serious as serial sexual harassment and rape were made, I think I’d have to be without them. I can’t imagine myself talking to them on a regular basis. MAYBE, we’d have the occasional

Fun fact: Your Cableco/satellite TVCo tracks pretty much every customer’s viewing habits via the cable box you rent each month. It knows what channel you are tuned to, it knows if it’s turned on. It knows if you’ve recorded a TV show and if you’ve ever watched that recording. Combined with the viewing figures from the

GREAT STORY. There was a lot here that I hadn’t previously know about Armstrong particularly the depths of his cheating and the lengths he went to hide it, and the utterly vicious way he went after those who opposed him.

DAMN... Thank you for that story.