weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls


Gore was Vice President when he ran. His was the only other election since the 19th century not decided by the popular vote, but it was settled by Florida, Bush sycophants, and the Supreme Court. The fight to determine the winner dragged on for some time. Gore decided to go away rather than continue fighting *for the

“May his stuffing be forever dry.”

What??!!! Can you provide a list of previous candidates for POTUS who simply “shutup or went away” for a year or 2 after losing? I can’t seem to think of any. Are you claiming that she is more vocal than previous losing candidates because she’s had something to say about this shitshow of an election? People won’t stop

What??!!! Can you provide a list of previous candidates for POTUS who simply “shutup or went away” for a year or 2 after losing? I can’t seem to think of any. Are you claiming that she is more vocal than previous losing candidates because she’s had something to say about this shitshow of an election? People won’t stop

I wonder the same damned thing. I’ve heard for years that Govt employees shouldn’t take gifts from people or companies their agency does business with or is considering doing business with. Even a free lunch could result in a reprimand or termination, because agencies want to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Dammit, Losso... Everybody gets pissed at their significant other sometimes, but when things are really heated, or one feels things getting out of control, one needs to know to WALK TO THE FUCK AWAY. He looks menacing as hell in the video. Odds are he was even more so before the video started. Yeah, his guns need to

I binge watched this current season after having abandoned it on episode 2 or 3, because I saw the HTGAWM crossover episode. Analese and Olivia on the same screen was great. For me it was a powerful episode. Powerful enough for me to be willing to see this season thru to the end, but damn... This season has so many

While I think this post isn’t a great place to dig deeply into Clark’s misogynoir, I didn’t read anything about his murder being ok, or his life being inconsequential. I read someone expecting this site to acknowledge Clark’s ugly views. I agree those views deserve discussion. I’d like to see a separate post about

“BTW, so now we’re going to leave off the part where he was telling everyone about how impressed he was by how “famous” his brother was after the shooting?”

I never said he was there to pick anyone up.You wrote that random people shouldn’t be on school grounds. I gave legitimate reasons why a person would be on school grounds during school or after. You’re entitled to your opinion about him being a creep. The truth is neither of us knows his character. I’d wager the

Of course they wouldn’t let just anyone on the grounds when school is in session, nor should they. I didn’t read “when school is in session” as a qualifier of his probation. Many schools have basketball hoops and a decent place to skateboard among other things. Being on the campus after school hours is a pretty common

Your conclusion is an easy one to come too. The asshole who murdered people at the church a few years ago has a sister who was arrested recently for bringing a weapon to school. I doubt she got the same treatment the kid from this story did. As easy as it is to reach the conclusion you and a lot of others have about

Did everyone else read stories about this kid other than the ones I did? I get that the authorities feel like they couldn’t take any chances, but why does anyone simply accept that this kid *must* be just like his brother? There is tons of literature on how people who experienced the same things, don’t become the same

Tesla has some really great ideas, but none of it means much when they still insist that ‘disrupting the sector’ is their guiding philosophy. Look, the car industry is bloated, like a whole lot of other industries, people tend to look at it like...like the car business is analogous to unmixed paint or peanut butter.

I’ve never liked strip clubs cause I don’t like being teased, and have never been into the whole “serve me” sex perspective. I want a chance to have sex with the pretty woman I’ve had sexy flirtations with all night - without expectations of payment; and should that sex occur, I actually believe in reciprocity. That

But shouldn’t someone as rich and successful as Trump claims to be have sex offered *freely*? Trump routinely, repeatedly paid for the booty. Not paying to keep a woman always available for him, not paying a woman to go away or keep quiet - he’s got lawyers for that. HE PAYS FOR SEX. Doesn’t that make him a trick

I really, REALLY wish it were that easy. I love sushi, but its messed up my stomach probably 7 of the last 10 times I’ve eaten. I’ve thought it was the sushi spot, I’ve thought it was the particular dish, I’ve even thought that my stomach just can’t take the raw fish anymore, but couldn’t quite determine the issue.

“himrunning in 2020 beats the living hell out of hillary’s political toxicity.”

“Don’t need no IRA or 401k, I got gold and crypto”