weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“Tariffs on China but not on South Korea?”

I still find conservative charges of CNN’s liberal bent, hilarious. Everytime I happen on be watching CNN, I see yet another example of them failing to mention relevant points, cause entertainment is more important than anything else. The other day, it was Andrea Mitchell. To be fair, she is really old, and despite an

Gave you a star for your comment. I still owe you one for “Tang the Conqueror”. Hilarious!

How have you determined that the case has merit? She copy/pasted the defining characteristics of workplace discrimination, gave an anecdote which was somewhat problematic, says she was put on a final warning for job performance shortly after, and ultimately fired. Nowhere in what I read does she make a convincing

I absolutely do not fanbwoi in real life or online, but I’ll admit now (with a couple more than a couple drinks in me) that your comments very often have me shaking my head “HELL YEAH”, even though I usually only read who made a comment after I’ve read their comment. I’m sure you don’t need me to add my voice to the

I’m not surprised by this shit, but it still angers me. They literally tried (and succeeded for nearly half a century) to disappear this black woman -damn near in plain sight. Look at her placement in the photo. She stands tall enough to be seen (barely) but not tall enough to be recognizable. Shorter people in the

Even if Levar somehow is making millions selling his own brand (he isn’t), I still think spurning the major labels was stupid. He should have gone with the label which paid the best while also allowing him to learn everydamnedthing possible about the business while building his name in the NBA. When the contract was

“Awww, will they be “deeply concerned, but like for realsies this time”? I have negative confidence in those sanctimonious fucks to do the right thing until sometime after the fifth nuclear strike.”

Damn I hope so. Firing the man hours before he could get his pension, something that will likely be litigated anyway, is the ultimate dick move. Trump wants to prove his power, screw McCabe over and as a result of the chilling effects of this petty firing, prevent others from going against him. Given McCabe’s

I get your sarcasm, cause it sounds like “laughing to keep from crying”, but “i guess we’ll never win again” assumes facts not in evidence. I *think* seeing the real harm that this administration is causing **them** may at the very least keep enough of them from the voting booths to prevent a 2nd Trump term, but if he

Are you serious with this shit? The only substantive thing Trump did during his campaign was tell white people what they wanted to hear - regardless of how untrue and laughably ridiculous it was. What more do you believe Clinton could have done? This white “economic anxiety” argument only holds water if those white


This post is right on time. I’m stressed af right now for exactly the reasons described here. I want to let my elementary school aged kids just be got damned kids. I want them to enjoy childhood as long as possible, but I have to be harder on them cause the damned world will be. I have a terrifically creative kid who

While I agree with your general point, I believe you are missing some words from your headline: White people are afraid of Black people’s **RIGHTEOUS PAYBACK** I have no doubt whatsofuckingever that these ammosexuals are well aware of how white America has screwed and continues to screw people of color. Since they

There are a million different things he could have done, including not having the gun there, as it was against the rules, or what you suggest. My point was that the fact that he half followed **one** of the basic gun handling rules kept this from being as tragic as it could easily have been. He is an idiot. An unsafe

EXACTLY. The only good thing is that he at least had the presence of mind to assume it was loaded until he proved otherwise. Even though he’s a complete moron to have pulled the trigger to verify the gun was unloaded, at least it was pointed in a relatively safe direction when he did so. We actually have to thankful

“Someone can fight me, cuss me, do whatever they want, and I’ll let it roll off my back. But do NOT fuck with my food. You’ll bring out another side of me for sure. You have no clue why someone doesn’t want to eat something so just repsect it.”

It’s more than that. Turner not only raped a woman, there is not a shred of doubt about his guilt because **he was caught in the act**. He ran when confronted, was caught and immediately arrested. HE. IS. GUILTY. The fact that noone can credibly dispute that, makes the miscarriage of justice which is his “sentence”

“But, the server isn’t responsible for the quality of the food, only the service....just like the fast food worker...”