weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

You mention the lack of relevant work experience, but fail to consider that racial bias is a probable cause if that lack of experience. I take you at your word, that you hire totally without regard to anything not related to getting the job done. You know that many hiring managers don’t feel the same way, right? Even

You make a good point, then you typed this:

This President is aggressively mediocre and powerfully stupid. It’s amazing... When W was President, I found myself often calling him a dumbass, but Trump? 18 months in I still ask myself HTF did this happen? This guy is the American President? Oh, and did you read his latest WTF? He said “trade wars are a good thing”

There weren’t many people criticizing a brown skinned black man playing a light skinned black man because lighter skinned blacks have almost always gotten preferential treatment. They have always been the ‘acceptable’ blacks, often to the detriment of brown and darker skinned blacks. Any outrage over a darker skinned

Wow... Even at her age she has more wisdom and self awareness than a nation full for Becky’s, Chad’s, and honestly, a whole bunch of her black elders too. I wish her all the success, not that she needs me to...

You are making some of the same points others have, while ignoring that some performers have done exactly what you have said Mo’nique shouldn’t expect to be able to do. Acknowledging that *everyone* can’t get crazy paid despite having few recent successes is valid, but when **none** of those who manage to get paid

The treatment too many Asian establishments subject African American customers to - often in our own neighborhoods - is so got damned frustrating. I live in a neighborhood which is mixed in terms of both race and income. One of the gas stations nearby just got new management which happens to be Pakistani or Indian. A

“Mo has never had high fees to maintain. She’s never made $500,000 for any of her comedy shows. Has she even made $500,000 for any of her movies?”

While your argument is a common one, and seems to have a good logical basis, it isn’t nearly as iron clad as it may seem. Amy Schumer’s movie flopped. Chris Tucker got paid when he made his special based mainly on his resume, why shouldn’t Mo’nique? Jerry effing *Seinfeld* was said to be performing to half empty halls

I couldn’t find figures, so I’d really like to know what Tiffany Haddish made for her Showtime special. I’ll really be pissed if it doesn’t compare favorably to what Amy Schumer got from Netflix. And lawd don’t let me hear Netflix offered Haddish a bum deal which she declined in favor of Showtime and HBO. It’s great

Hmmmmmm... Maybe I’m wrong about everybody knowing not to take him lightly. It’s not just about appearing physically imposing, or fighting skill. Putin has a pretty scary resume.

That may be, but Putin reminds me of Pachino in that movie where he played the Devil in human form. Devil’s Advocate? Devil/Pachino at one point says something to the effect of “they never saw me coming”. You know, cause he took the form of this small, fairly harmless looking dude, but he has all the power and ill

I was referring to the all digital Marvel Unlimited thing where one can view virtually every comic from Marvel’s history, with a 6 month delay after each comic’s release. When we had it, my kids loved discovering Marvel characters new and old, but lack of parental controls meant I could only install MU on my password

I like the diversity of the list you provided. Some of them are great candidates to introduce my kids to, but comics are expensive. Marvel Unlimited seemed like a great alternatives but (tangent!!!!!!) Marvel somehow can’t grasp why parental controls would be desirable. WTF, Marvel!!????? People have been begging for

Every thing you wrote is so fucking true. It seems to me that it’s also true that rather than scaring off a shooter cause “any teacher might be armed”, it makes every teacher a **target** since “any teacher might be armed”. Arming teachers is a fantastically bad idea, any way one looks at it.

Yeah, agreed. Hell, Mr Kaplan was always a better character than “Lizzy” for me. That whole arc of her trying to destroy Red was great TV. She even went out like a gangsta. I too would have been ok with Lizzy staying gone, especially if Mr Kaplan could somehow have stuck around.

“Having. went to a college with an emphasis on basketball, ***I can also attest to the vast majority of these players getting credit and grades they didn’t deserve*** while also being given modified exams, outside of class one-on-one time and free tutoring.”

New to me...

Aside from her expecting black folks to boycott Netflix, I’ve always thought she was totally in the right. Look... I’m not her target audience, and it would take me awhile to get around to watching any Netflix special she helmed, if I ever watched it at all, but her overall point that Netflix doesn’t value her - and

Are those the newer numbers or the classic numbers?