weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Its been said a million times, but it bears repeating: Cops are not special, extra shiny, exemplary people. They are human beings subject to the same biases, laziness, lapses of judgement, greed, fear, and all those other things all of us are. I’m not surprised that a cop didn’t run in to face a heavily armed guy,

What is funny, tragic, and cosmically just, all at the same time, is that this decrease in undocumented people will absolutely make the lives of those Trump voters who wanted this more difficult. America has a terminal addiction to cheap labor. Always has. Promises from the various crowns for land (which didn’t belong

EXACTLY. I so do not get this. I enjoy shooting on occasion, though I won’t have guns in my home with my children. I’d gladly never touch another gun to prevent even 1 innocent death. Why is this a hard attitude for some to understand, let alone adopt? Why can’t some people grasp that literally *every* right we have -

INDEED. The first CD I ever bought was Sade’s Love Deluxe. In the 26 years since, I have never been without at least one tape/CD/playlist with Sade songs close at hand. Only Tupac has as long a tenure on my tapes/CDs/playlists. Truly looking forward to hearing the new music, as little as it will be.

And “BECKAS”, cause “I don’t let anyone call me Becky”...

I love the thought, but I’ve heard too many experts say that Trump can elect to grant provisional security clearance to anyone he likes. On a *permanent* basis is he chooses to. Even without Kelly’s contradictory statements, I can think of no reason to believe that baby Kush is going to have his access to classified

You may underestimate how great a recruitment and retention tool Good Insurance is. It is quite the carrot and stick. Not to mention the profits huge corps who can force concessions from their carriers can realize. Self insurance, reinsurance, subrigation, and a bunch of other words someone more knowledgeable than I

Once again white people when confronted with fellow white people having all the good jobs, and movie roles, and zip codes, and credit scores, and buildings named after them, conclude “no worthy people of color exist”. Only quotas would find a person of color getting any of those things, right??? No further

I was firmly in the “damn, it would gut me, but to stop my child from committing murder - yes, I’d snitch”, then I read further. It seems to me that not only does the prosecutor want the parents to do his job to connect all the hypothetical dots, he wants them to reveal potentially inculpatory evidence against their

“R. Kelly’s Alleged Sex Palace in Georgia Hit With Eviction Notice”

Lol!! My wife and I joke that they have no stoves in the kitchen, just endless rows of microwaves. We took the kids there a few years ago after months of their begging, cause we happened to be hungry and mall shopping. Applebee’s just happened to be 20 or so steps from where we’d parked. So... against our better

Yup. And none of us need to be psychic to anticipate the trolls who will comment on this story. I’d just like to remind all reasonable commentors that the “dismiss” button is your friend...

You know what? Fuck ‘em. They will not ruin this movie for me. None of their faux outrage, or racist memes, or cries of “why you so racist”, or rivers of white tears, or failure to realize that movies with a 90%+ white cast is the norm will impact my feelings on this movie. I let them ruin 8 years of our first non

This idea that the FBI tried to throw this election to Clinton genuinely infuriates me. Comey dropped his October surprise which fucked Clinton, cause the 2 weeks before the election simply wasn’t enough time to recover from it. He did this even though he FUCKING KNEW that there was an active investigation against

Wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a State Dept employee to drop the receipts on the media, unless they figure out how to take *all* the damned precautions. Don’t forget the leaker Reality Winner (still can’t believe that’s her name) got caught because the printer used to produce the documents she leaked left a

“I watched Tim Scott cringe every time someone else mentioned gun-control while he was on camera. What’s so bad about safe gun ownership?”

Won’t see Black Panther til this weekend, but agree on both counts. She really is beautiful. It doesn’t always come across on screen or in photos though. The photo above, from Glamour? GORGEOUS...

Anybody know where I can get Dora Milaje posters, figures, and tees? I’ve been disappointed by the general lack of Black Panther merchandise in stores, but have found lots of T’challa tees, but few Dora Milaje.

I just read the related article, Peter Vescey Is White People, and watched the attached Ta’nahese Coates video again. Dude drops knowledge like atom bombs. Every word he says on that video is right on point, and perfectly explains why white people do this shit....

 Can people finally stop calling Gen Kelly the adult in the room? As a Marine General there is no way he didn’t have domestic abuse allegations against those under his command come across his desk. He must have had them come across his desk since his first command. If he didn’t learn how to properly address them at