weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“These are adults, they had their chance and have chosen to ignore basic human decency because, at best it’s the easiest way for them to get through life, and at worst they know how much harm they are doing to others and just don’t care.”

“And why is the girlfriend getting dragged into this? I mean, other than dating the son, she ain’t got shit to do with this “years of bullying.””

Her crying was pretty low on the list of things this cop wanted them to do. I’m sure he wanted them to violently lash out at him, as one could expect when making outlandish, unfounded, *serious* allegations. Certainly he also would have settled for their walking away from the situation, which is normally an acceptable

I Was not in any way defending her. AT ALL. I was comparing her unfavorably to my 7 year old. She can still be a horrible person, even if she is a half evil opportunist with childlike thought processes instead of just evil. Not that I’m saying she is only half evil...

Did it seem like I was defending her? Damn... NOT MY INTENTION.

Despite the coarse speaking, word vomit, snide remarks, and general hatred she directs at the media, I’m convinced she’s not angry at them. She does hate them, but I don’t think she’s mad at them. **SHE KNOWS WHO SHE’S MAD AT** Just like my 7 year old, she’s projecting her anger at herself on to everyone else. I doubt

I disagree. Figure skating has always been snobby. It is well known that the skating powers that be, value what they consider “grace” over “power”. As others noted, jumps must be landed on one foot. SHE DID THAT. Hard to legitimately penalize her for that jump when she does it by the book. Few could do it, so they

I see lot of my objections raised in those comments I’ve read. I’m sure someone has already asked this in a comment I haven’t read but... HTF did this make it past all of the mentor checks and approvals one would expect prior to display? Could it be that the school is lying about being inclusive? Or could it be that

“How can a precinct commander lead people when she aligns herself with a group that is known to hate law enforcement and wants police officers dead?”

Wow... I’ve believed Allen is guilty for a long time, but was unaware of those facts presented in the piece you linked to. Damn....

“Comparingthe UVA debacle to Woody Allen is ridiculous. They are in no way the same. And using the UVA story to discredit Dylan Farrow is wrong. But the media, it’s about the media! How the two have been handled in the media is also not even remotely the same. Or are you and the writer conveniently forgetting how his

Unless there are companies who are capable of doing this work, but who somehow didn’t submit a bid, subcontracting requires a whole lot more than just finding another company. This one woman company coordinating any and all entities performing the actual work would require a level of expertise and experience which her

What is the school’s issue?

I just watched that scene all emotional af wondering why I’d never seen it before, until Will started his ugly cry. Then I realized I *had* seen it before. Guess I blocked it out? Damn that was heart wrenching to watch again...

I’dlike to emphasize that not only was the white guy who was proven to be the actual criminal not immediately arrested when this fact was revealed, it was only revealed *AFTER* the mother of the falsely accused men - one of whom had been shot by the actual criminal - demanded that the cops do their got DAMNED jobs.

You make some good points. Maybe my taking your comments out of the greys will restart the conversation?

I thought the same thing. I get the thinking of those who don’t want legalized weed, but it’s more complicated than “weed brings problems”. I feel I must acknowledge how fucked up it is that black folks have to include all sorts of shit in our calculus for *everything* from the most mundane to the most complex that

I never dismiss an opportunity to play Prince music (DAMMIT, now I gotta turn of Blood Orange and turn on Prince) but the Prince “duet” didn’t make me feel good. I love the song, but it felt like theft rather than homage. I’m not a fan of the performance overall, but my 3 year old wanted to dance with me when that

That this was approved by someone in or representing the King family is disappointing. Coincidentally, I was listening to the track on Kendrick Lemar’s To Pimp a Butterfly on which he carries on a conversation with the late - though immortal Tupac. It struck me that with his pedigree, charisma, street bonifides, and

Agreed. Quality control was always going to be a problem for Tesla though. They have nagging issues on their other cars which people tend to overlook as the price of having an expensive, heavily engineered status symbol, which one happens to be able to drive. That ain’t gonna fly for a car they hope is a blockbuster