weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Seriously? Wanda Sykes is hit or miss for me, but she absolutely has an audience which will support her. Not to mention her resume. Writer, actor in multiple mediums, standup comic, etc going back at least a few decades. She shouldn’t get Rock or Chappelle money, or maybe even Schumer money, but 250k? For someone with

Wow... Wasn’t aware all those were tracked. Honest question for someone too lazy to look: How are all of those calculated? Is there reason to believe they are reasonably accurate?

As I black man I say “YES!!!” to every point you’ve made. Now imma shut up and let those more directly impacted by the pay disparities you speak of have the floor.

First, we should probably get in the habit of adding the caveat that the “unemployment numbers” are a really shitty indication of how many people are unemployed or even underemployed. Always has been. It’s another thing that Obama got criticised for, but we know that he couldn’t change the calculation to more

You know... You ain’t right. I mean, you ain’t *wrong*, but you ain’t right....

Wait... Their big bombshell which was supposed to shut down the Russia Probe is “See, I told you, Obama wiretapped Trump tower”??!!?????!?? I haven’t finished reading cause my phone isn’t cooperating, but am I missing something?

She could have handled this better. As others have written, releasing the contract instead of a video begging us to boycott would have been a better move. That contract leaves no doubt that Netflix places little value on Monique and her craft. It seems that entertainment folks don’t like exposing the “sausage making”.

Lol. You are hilarious! Genuinely! I already said that based on your initial comment to me, I *did* research. Based on that research I questioned your claim that the cop had fuck all to do with this woman being in rehab. I *do* know that rehab on another state might be easier for her to get into than one in her own

NOPE. This isn’t a White House press conference. Not gonna allow you to deflect to avoid answering a simple question. I’ll ask again: What evidence have you that the cop had anything at all to do with arranging this rehab as you claimed earlier?

Perhaps now after clarifying to your self that “open adoption” is likely at the discretion of this cop, if it is even a concept recognized in NM, you can reread my comment and tell me exactly what I wrote which was inaccurate.

Lol. Sure... I ignore that you wrote “seems like” and “period” about the positivity of this story in consecutive sentences, and you question what **I** wrote. I’ve actually read several stories about this since I first commented. Several of them mention that the birth parents are in rehab. Since the rehab is in

First, I wrote “typically” adoptions don’t include birth parent visitation. Second, allowing a mother who is still an active drug addict contact with her kid is crazy, especially when he kid gets old enough to understand. Not allowing her to regain custody when she is firmly in control of her life, assuming that ever

“Everything thats happened in this story is positive. Period.”

*Story bout weed written by Emma **ROLLER**. HEHEHEHEHEHEEE. Sorry... despite 3 cups of my caffeine delivery system of choice, my brain is only half awake.

I love those who use false equivalency and the belief that the world is strictly black or white as an argument. Recovery *is* difficult, but there are a hundred different ways this child could have been protected while also providing ongoing help to this mother. Adoption is final, even if she somehow got permanently

“They are just too much of a bunch of pussies there though, they know they’d never make it as a real country.”

This post started out as a point by point rebuttal of your most recent post. It was witty, detailed, snarky af, and ultimately would have been pointless since neither of us is changing his mind. The are 2 real positions to take on this, either one believes the teacher’s version of events is more likely to be true, or

You are blind and don’t read good. I don’t trust cops or teachers to tell the truth enough to believe them without question. Ive repeatedly said that. If you do it is you who need luck navigating this world we live in. If you are a parent or even a part time child care provider, and *don’t understand* that kids

You are projecting. I never said that anything absolutely *did* happen. I expressed my scepticism by giving possibilities based on my long and recent experience with both kids and teachers. This scepticism seems to be supported by the information we have. You are accepting what the teachers have said without a second

Nope. What did the 2nd teacher actually see? The 2 falling? The kid’s fist hitting the teacher? Or did that 2nd teacher just backup the first without seeing anything? Why was a kid being escorted out of class *behind* the teacher doing the escorting? Sounds to me that this teacher was dragging the kid behind her by