weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Why do you believe the teacher? Any kid who would lash out like that has a long history of discipline issues. If previous incidents are any indication, and they are, the school or cops would have released that info were it true. I’ll bet money this teacher was on a power Trip, and this kid had stomped all over her

STFU. GTFO WITH THAT BULLSHIT. It would be one thing if there was a legit reason to believe the kid somehow had a deadly weapon. There wasn’t. Even if one believes that this kid attacked the teacher for no reason, which I don’t, given the circumstances AND the fact the teacher wants to press charges against a 7 year

Word... I scrolled past this story on the feed for what seems like days, cause I knew it would be DAMNED painful to read. I cannot imagine what this family is going thru right now. No fucking excuse for authorities to not take the disappearances of girls/women of color seriously. Never forget that a blond headed, blue

I think it’s a little more complex than that. I agree that people tend to not believe little kids on horrible things like this. Some kids are absolutely telling the truth, but there are also stories of innocent people having their lives ruined by overzealous investigators. How these allegations are handled *matters*,

“But, Lord, you are the alpha and omega, and being that you are the only one in heaven or on earth who pledged two fraternities...”

First the Fat Boyz broke up... I’m looking forward to reading/watching the spectacular journalist Jemele Hill seems to be becoming, but I’ll miss Jemele and Mike on TV together. Her and Mike Smith have great chemistry. She’s clearly the more grounded one, since when their show starts to go off track, it tends to be

I disagree. One of the unspoken sequel rules is that the characters need to be further developed. This isn’t always a priority, or even always done, but Leia - the daughter of one of the most powerful sith lords, the twin of “The One” who would tilt the force’s balance to good, the mother of Vader’s literal heir, is a

I remember liking Queen/Senator Darth Vader origin story in the prequels even though I never saw episodes 1-3, which absolutely don’t exist. It might be interesting to see her in another film. That said, I’d argue it would be difficult to tell an interesting story about Queen - Vader’s raizon detre without including

I started planning the long, detailed comment I was going to type, complete with concrete examples and bulletproof reasoning, from multiple viewpoints, but then decided against that in favor of brevity.

That 16% obviously misunderstand the question. I don’t know if they misunderstood “$100,000", “millennial”, or “savings”, but clearly it was one or all of those...

Holy fuck. 11 school shootings in 2018 already? I initially thought that Rafi was being oddly, specifically hyperbolic, but nope... And Huckabee Sanders? She is getting good at deflection, question avoidance, outright lies, and denials - just like her boss. She also often admits the truth even while doing all listed

Didn’t they just replace the States Attorney of NY with a Gulliani flunky who Trump personally interviewed, despite all of the norms, precidence, and common damned sense which should have prevented that? Even if this administration is filled with assholes who are aren’t clever enough to avoid the simplest of pitfalls,

Exactly. As much as I hate that 63 stores full of people are losing their jobs, I draw some satisfaction from the fact that at least part of the reason they are closing stores is because they can’t compete with Aldi and Lidl. At least in my area. Both of those stores pay a half decent wage. Almost funny that

Just said I wouldn’t respond to you anymore, but I hadn’t seen this comment. Now I’m positive that you are trolling me. My entire argument has been built on the undisputable fact that many of us do not convey consent with a simple spoken “yes”. We just don’t. Anyone who claims that their every sex act was only

Lol. Truly not clear why you are so intent on misreading and finding fault in literally every comment I make. This will be my last response to you, but know that the honest discussion we could have been having instead of whatever this was, could have brought deeper understanding to some people about some real issues

I don’t know... CHIP was a trap the Republicans set months ago. They clearly stated their intentions to use that as leverage for this negotiation. Just as they clearly stated their lack of support for DACA. DACA recipients are exactly the kind of immigrants we want to come here. By definition they are hardworking, law

I understand your viewpoint. I’m not being dismissive when I say you are entitled to that viewpoint - I genuinely mean that, even though that shouldn’t need to be said. That you mean what you say separates you from that subset of people who don’t. I mentioned this before, but I think it bears repeating: I wasn’t gonna

I reread my original comment and Ida’s post. I still cannot understand how you have come to the conclusions that you have. I’ve said that since affirmative cues can vary from person to person, the meaning of said cue isn’t always clear. PEOPLE SIMPLY DONT TEND TO DIRECTLY ASK AND ANSWER “YES” or “NO”. The “expressing

You make a good point. That’s a conclusion one can come to in retrospect. But that revelation from those women also provides more data points to be included in any future “should I persist or not” calculus. It’s not a justification for rape, but it makes it that much easier to misinterpret non verbals.

It is absolutely disgusting that they deserve praise for continuing his scholarship, but I agree - it isn’t insignificant. All collegiate athletes —injured or not- should get an actual, legitimate education in exchange for their service to their colleges and universities. SMDH. Fuck the NCAA.