weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Yup. But Uranium One appears to be yet another attempt to rub the stink of Republican sins on someone else. Rachel Maddow reported last night (I think) that among Flynn’s long list of fuckery is a plan to build Billions of dollars worth of nuclear power plants in the Middle East, with a lot of the contracts going

I aspire to one day learn to wield the written word as well as you did here, bruh. I could list my favorite quotes in order of hilarity and impact, but I’ll just say DAMN...

Please noone take this as a chance to try to encourage Michelle Obama to run for office. Don’t get me wrong, I *adore* Michelle Obama, but the BULLSHIT she and Barack had to endure while genuinely working hard to do right for ALL Americans was truly shameful. They got it so much worse when they had the temerity to

On the surface it seems odd that women would vote for someone because of his morality bonafides, when this well researched, immaculately sourced story (and an insane number of people knew about Moore far in advance of the story) proves he is anything but moral. The thing is, that ignores the fact that they genuinely

#notsureifserious... There is an enormous amount of scepticism when women report sexual assault committed by powerful men, partly because “why would he take it when so many would give it without a second thought?”. There is even more scepticism when the victim is a man. Who is the top A list actor in your mind

There is no way in hell Mueller gets Trump out of office either with an indictment or a scathing report delivered to Congress to support impeachment. Not gonna happen. Mueller is not going to cause a Constitutional crisis, regardless of how much integrity he supposedly has. I’ve said multiple times that Trump is

I think it’s a bit more complex than that. Not the idea that some men take offense to being called out on their BS. That’s fairly easy to understand. What is more difficult to grasp is the fact that most if not all of us men are contributing to the oppression of women in some way or another. Though some of us

I think the fact that many of us simply haven’t been willing to voice is that some of those potential Alabama voters see nothing wrong with what Moore did. Their age of consent is 16. I’d wager that is only so ‘high’ because they want to appear to be civilized to the rest of the country, and that they harbor immense

When I first read the headline, my first thought was that any reasonably talented attorney could successfully argue that Trump either didn’t write or send that incriminating tweet. BUT that Trump is too stubborn, stupid, prideful, and a dozen other things to let someone else take credit for it. The first part has

Seconded... It really is a testament to her range and talent(and lack of label promotion) that I initially didn’t realize that it was the same artist on “Complexion” and the Murrs and 9th Wonder track whose name I can’t remember right now. Glad she is getting some recognition now, hopefully it translates to more

I’m just a dude, but I don’t think he can earn enough forgiveness to be trusted in a position of power again. Common sense tells most of us that even a fully consensual sexual relationship with a co-worker could be problematic. The sexual harassment implications of a person in a position of power having even a

The collective “we”. I was lumping all of us together. From those true believers in the ‘Merican Exceptionalism BS, to those like myself who know it’s stupid, but want us to try just a little, to those who have no patience for either of the first 2 groups...

I can understand your (partial?) Nihilism. On occasion, I feel a bit of the same, but despite my own distaste for organized religion, I can’t ignore what they are doing. For Trump and ‘em it ain’t about “all religions are silly”. It’s about actively demonizing and attacking a specific religion.  The exemptions they

“By definition, apathy is not a threat. The threat is from people actively causing harm. Apathy may allow the threat to go on, but it is not the threat in itself. If someone is apathetic it’s like they don’t exist.”

But why even go thru the trouble, when the current system has everyone except the super rich investing in securities which return nothing until sold, and in the event of insolvency, only those holding the special shares, available only to the super rich, will see a dime? The stock market is doing so well now because

You’ve made some good points on this thread, but I think you make a major mistake in the foundation of your argument: It’s more accurate to compare Bitcoin to a tradable security than to a currency. There is a growing list of companies which will accept it, there are even people who will spend it like cash for legal

“But, to keep it real, if you’re waiting on the Grammy’s to get hip-hop right, you’ll be waiting a long time.”

Is it ok that I’m relieved, pissed, shocked, disappointed, and confused about this omission - all at the same time?

I’ll bet money that all of them are characterizing what he did as “raazing”, or “a prank”, or “mild male shenanigans” instead of the sexual assault that it was. I’ll wager they are shaking their heads at Terry Crews and all of us reasonable people being so offended by what this fucker did. In their minds Crews is in

I hope this serves to demonstrate just how foolish believing that the supposed downfall of a few serial harassers and sexual assaulters, signals a lasting shift in how some powerful men will act, and how organizations will respond when alerted of their bad behavior. This problem is deeply ingrained in the system. All