weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

This is maddening. Responsible reporters do the difficult investigatorial work. They ask hard questions and typically seek corroboration from multiple sources. Generally, a single accuser’s story wouldn’t ever see print in a respectable news paper unless all of the checklist boxes can be ticked - some more than once.

I ‘ont know... Maybe it is the screen... maybe it’s poor sales, maybe he’s salty cause wifey way WAY outsells him, maybe he just wants to stay home and be a family man. Can’t say I blame him if it’s the last one. As utterly insane as my kids make me sometimes (seriously, wtf would you leave your bedroom door wide TF

I know this is satire, but I envy the childlike optimism it portrays....

I hate YouTube. I mean there are a bunch of useful videos giving instruction on any number of tasks I need to perform at one point or another, and videos to distract my toddler, but there is a lot of junk too. Plus blocking so the kiddos don’t see the junk ain’t that easy. Sure, you can probably find a video on

Because he mistakes partisan loyalty for invulnerability, I hope he sues NBC for the “fake tape” and then releases everyone from NDAs *in writing*. We all know that people involved with the production of his reality show (The Apprentice, not this Presidency) have major dirt on him. I’m convinced that only NDAs and the

I admit to having a bit of a crush on C.J. and maybe even Alison Janney who played the character. So much so that I quickly forgave Janey’s nonsensical, deux ex machina, revisionist (did I mention nonsensical?) cameo on the last episodes of LOST. Having said that, I did not at all understand why the other characters

Yup. As a kid I simply could not understand why white people hated, and ultimately killed MLK Jr who told us to “turn the other cheek”, when there were so many in our communities proclaiming “by any means necessary”, “ “I wish a muthafucka would”, and “we burning this muthafucka down”. In the face of all that, why

Yup. Everytime I think that Trump, Moore and the rest are stupid to claim “wasn’t me”, despite all the evidence, AND WITNESSES to the contrary, the masses of true believers prove that evidence doesn’t matter. They’ll ignore this too. WTF is wrong with people?

Absolutely agree. It’s funny, I intially read “her salesperson...” in one of the closing paragraphs instead of “her spokesperson...”. The former fits better, cause they have made people believe that she is “one of the good ones”, when the fact is there is no such damned thing. We know the goal is to starve Obamacare

*Verifies that “Miami’s Little Haiti” refers to THAT Miami*

BULLSHIT. Some people simply are beyond redemption and don’t deserve to breath the air we all share. Manson was absolutely one of those people. He deserved to be killed by the state for his actions. The fact that there shouldn’t be a death penalty *ANYWHERE* because of how often we’ve taken the life of an innocent

M’man Spike Lee is incredibly underrated. He has made some garbage assed joints, but his overall filmography is impressive. I mostly agree with your top 14 and Mo Betta Blues is one of my all time favorite movies from any director. Seriously. Like I wore the damned video tape out. Like I watched it a few times a week

Serena and her new baaaby!!!! Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! Er, ahem... I mean look at me flex my biceps whilst I comb my beard, and drink this here drank....

I love me some Michelle Obama, but her “they go low, we go high” has become a clear road map for the Republicans to screw the Democrats forever. Everyone should be held to the same standard. For sexual transgressions it seems pretty clear what that means: first... As wrong as all sexual battery and assault is, all

I’m really conflicted on this one... I love the idea that this girl is learning discipline, drive, focus, attention to detail, strategy, the importance of work ethic, self defense, and a million other things. I love that she has found something that she is so damned good at. GIRL POWER! #BLACKGIRLMAGIC, but... brain

I obviously only know her from TV, but she always struck me as intelligent, imaginative, and incredibly driven, in addition to being physically attractive. What did you think I meant? Though Russ obviously possesses some of those same attributes, I thought that his weakness for models had him giving her everything,

Wait... Really??!!? That actually changes my opinion of Kimora. I knew that Simmons had a thing for models and had always assumed that she had been using him for money, power and influence while she built her own empire, but didn’t give a damn bout him. I thought she was using her powers to take advantage of a weaker

I agree, but what separates those with malicious intent from those who are just ignorant enough to believe black people are always up to no good? I misplaced my car in the big bulk shopping store parking lot the other day. I was tired, had a headache, and a million things on my mind, so I forgot where the hell I

Yes. This damned Benghazi Fever is insane. There was a scene on the Amazon political comedy Alpha House where a Republican member of Congress proposed a permanent subcommittee for investigating Benghazi. Somehow that doesn’t seem too far from reality. I’ll confess, I’m shocked that anyone introduced articles of

“Right... crime doesn’t stop you from having a gun. My bad”