weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

I’ll be on the lookout for both of those movies. Speaking of playing a hitwoman... did you see Henson in Smoking Aces? She played one half of a hitwoman duo alongside Alicia Keys. Her character was apparently a lesbian, and her scenes (no actual or near sex, if that matters to you) with Keys were hilarious. Common

Starred. And adding to my library...

You make some good points that we’d all be well served to give real thought to. For me, as problematic as I find the loud, crass, out of line black woman (or man) in public - particularly in mixed company- I often find myself asking myself *WHY*? Practically every single race and cultural subgroup you can name has

Dangit, you are correct... I stop calling Trump Dolt!45 and forget which number President he is, messing up my counting backwards.... Smdh...

These fucking people... When I was a kid growing up in the south, my sister couldn’t wear pants till she was a teen. We went to church at least twice a week, we didn’t trick or treat, we understood the true meaning of Christmas, most stores weren’t open on Sunday and we observed about a million other conservative

I think you misunderstand. I’m not questioning her honesty. I’m questioning characterizing this as outing her. I can only imagine how fucked up what Ratner did made her feel, and how difficult it made the working environment for her. She feels like she was outed and that does mean something. The thing is there are a

Did Ratner actually out Page? I read the story and didn’t get that impression at all. Page says that Ratner said some woman should just fuck Page so she would know she was gay or something like that. That’s vile, vicious bullying, but is it outing her if she didnt even know she was gay, as she said herself? There’s

I’d like to point out another misspelling. In the second tweet, he spelled “fellatio” c-h-e-m-i-s-t-r-y...

Even *if* what these cops say is true, the correct response to someone attempting suicide by cop is not to oblige them. There are a hundred other things that cops can do in such a situation, including the most basic - using the minimum force necessary to resolve a situation. Doesn’t the fact that they report that

Remember when Bush 41 told us about how much he believed in Putin’s purity because he could look into his soul thru his eyes or some such? Putin was a wanna be Bond villan even then (he doesn’t read this site, does he?) ,but afaik he wasn’t stealing elections in the USA​, only in Russia. HTF is Trump so terrible that

Ya girl Carly Jennings is on some real BULLSHIT. I’m a man and I damn near cuss my 7 year old daughter out when she comes home from school or outside with her hair all a mess. I realize that is kind of unreasonable, cause hair things fall out and kids play kinda rough, but pretending that the model’s hair in this ad

Sorry... You are confusing a symptom with the actual problem. The problem has always been known, and has been stated over and over since forever. There is even a well known social justice organization whose name calls attention to it: BLACK LIVES MATTER. Contrary to what trolls would have us believe, those words need

Yup. This belief in the integrity and objective fairness of any Law enforcement organization, let alone the FBI,drives me insane. They all have a long history of DAMNED​ near every abuse one can imagine. That’s why I cringe every time someone suggests that Mueller will save us from Trump. His ideas of “integrity” are

When I first heard of this guy actions on the Cosby case - immunity in exchange for a self incriminating deposition, I genuinely thought that he had done so in order to get Constand some semblance of justice since there was no chance of a criminal conviction. Upon further reflection, I realize that he shouldn’t be

Can a trusted friend or associate of Mr Gibson PLEASE look out for a brotha? He clearly is in a bad place emotionally and spiritually. Give that brotha a damned Coca Cola, put him on a city bus to remind where he started and just how damned far he’s come. Support him while he has the long, ugly cry he so desperately

I had similar thoughts when I saw this covered on Faux News, which I’ve started watching for short periods of time, in order to see their fuckery in real time. This guy is a terrorist because his attacks were intended to terrorize, but ISIS affiliation​??!!!! He carried out his attacks with a rented standard pickup

For some that reads like cowardice or a lack of conviction on her part, but I don’t exactly see it that way. I suspect that her attitude when they confront her is “nope, I said what I said”, but she gives them breathing room because of loyalty to co-workers and mentors more than for the sake of the network. I don’t

Maybe he should consider how many potential customers he lost with his company’s BS stance on Obamacare’s requirement that employers offer healthcare to fulltime employees. He advocated lowering hours to less than full time. Also decent pizza doesn’t make up for keeping Manning as a spokesman with his sexual (assault)

With a *maximum* 6 month jail time and fine. This is absolutely a felony offense, not some BS misdemeanor...

You make some very good points here. Many if us need to be reminded of the context in which she made those comments, as well as wth was going on in the USA at the time. Those details are quite relevant. To further illustrate how complex things were then, I’ll point out that some Black members of Congress were the